Cincy Sports Radio and The Bearcats


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May 21, 2012
Been keeping an eye on this one and not sure how many of you have Twitter and all that but a Solomon Tentman tweeted at one of the Cincy Radio personalities about their take on Beracats sports and the radio personality was about as unprofessional as possible in his response.

I think its ridiculous how Cincy radio bashes the Bearcats and does very little to talk about them in a positive manner. It would be different if Lance McAlister would admit that he was wrong but he still thinks he is better than anyone and is a disgrace to the city IMO. Maybe I'm overreacting about nothing but I think its wrong for a UC player from Cincinnati gets disrespected by a figure in his own city.
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Nobody should listen to Lance, he is a bum. Don't listen, he gets worse ratings than what he already gets, he goes by by. He is a skip bayless of cincy radio talk.
Lance is a pompous ass. People need to stop listening. That is my advice. I would rather have Mo Egger doing Lance's shows.
Solomon Tentman is one of the nicest kids I've ever met. He went to my high school (Roger Bacon) and worked really hard and was polite as can be. Screw Lance, he just gave an opinion and Lance decided to be an a$$hole.
I've never really had a problem with Lance. The reason being you get what you get when it comes to talking heads. They are arrogant and can never be wrong. I don't like it, but to me he is the same as everyone else.
After seeing people were clearly upset about his antics he finally apologized to Solomon but doubt it will change his tone about UC athletics as a whole. I was just waiting for the moment where he tried to put a negative spin on UC getting Jermaine Lawrence.
After seeing people were clearly upset about his antics he finally apologized to Solomon but doubt it will change his tone about UC athletics as a whole. I was just waiting for the moment where he tried to put a negative spin on UC getting Jermaine Lawrence.

The negative is an idiot like Lance is going to have to cover Lawrence. If he'd gone somewhere else, he might have found a sport personality without his head firmly planted up his own ass.
I've met Lance on more than one occasion and I got to say I'm very surprised by this event. Has to be a misunderstanding. Lance is anything but a smarta##. that would fall to Mark (the moron Amazon) and Tracy (legend on his own mind) Jones. Lance loves sports and is very well prepared for his shows and usually is very polite to callers. I've e-mailed him many times and always got a answer. Has to be a misunderstanding.
There always seems to be a disconnect between 700 WLW and the Bearcats. Especially in the talk radio format. The reason is becasue bearcat fans don't light up the phones. If you want more air time call in. I gurrantee he will take your call. The reasion they don't talk much Bearcat Sports is that the audience doesn't light up the switch board. That is what pays he bills. If your unhappy or you want to talk Bearcat Hoops call in to his show. I'm not touting him just saying if you want more forums to discuss all things Bearcat you have to participate.
I've met Lance on more than one occasion and I got to say I'm very surprised by this event. Has to be a misunderstanding. Lance is anything but a smarta##. that would fall to Mark (the moron Amazon) and Tracy (legend on his own mind) Jones. Lance loves sports and is very well prepared for his shows and usually is very polite to callers. I've e-mailed him many times and always got a answer. Has to be a misunderstanding.

He was a huge smarta$s/ douche bag in this situation. Wasn't it Lance that basically instigated the whole X/UC stuff last year saying SK said all this bad stuff about X. The guy is a hack job or says outrageous things to fill his ego.
He was a huge smarta$s/ douche bag in this situation. Wasn't it Lance that basically instigated the whole X/UC stuff last year saying SK said all this bad stuff about X. The guy is a hack job or says outrageous things to fill his ego.

Actually, I think that was Andy Furman that started it.
I couldn't remember but thanks for the correction. That still doesn't change that Lance is a certified douche.
Everyone is certainly entitled to there opinion but lance is not a bad guy in my eyes. he is passionate about his job and is generally very well prepared. As I said, i've met him and found him to be very approacheable and cordial.
Lance seems to talk about the Reds 80% of the time (even in February), the Bengals 18% of the time and UC/X 2% of the time.

I really get pissed when he's talking about the Reds in December. It's one freaking sport buddy.
Lance seems to talk about the Reds 80% of the time (even in February), the Bengals 18% of the time and UC/X 2% of the time.

I really get pissed when he's talking about the Reds in December. It's one freaking sport buddy.

The reason he doesn't talk more UC/X is that people do not call in about them.
The reason he doesn't talk more UC/X is that people do not call in about them.

It's a vicious cycle. A lot of people who care about UC can't stand his show and either don't listen or listen rarely. Lance has turned a lot of UC fans off over the years.

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