There is even more coaches who should have been fired but havent been because they have won games.
Winning games = more money. More Money = happy University.
People forget. Colleges are a business. There priority is surrounded by ONE thing. Making Money.
Not true.
Bob Huggins, Petrino, Paterno, Kelvin Sampson, Tressel, Bruce Weber to name a few.
Universities make FAR more money on research dollars than athletics. They need a good reputation to generate interest into research memberships.
IF UC gets into the AAU they will have access to more money than any football or basketball program can generate.
It is not all about sports. Look at endowments. Why doesn't Bama, LSU, Arkansas and Oklahoma have the biggest endowments?
Who does? Obviously Harvard, Yale, Princeton etc.
Of non Ivy league schools? It is a lot of Big Ten school and Pac 12 schools.
SEC football money has NOTHING on research dollars. Vandy has the most money of all the SEC schools. THE WORST football playing school. No other SEC school is in the top 50.
Look at the list. Athletics dont do all that much if the grand scheme of univeristies. They serve to educate, innovate and inspire change to communities.
People look at universities as pro athletics for some reason. It isn't and school administrators dont treat it as such.