New Digs For Jones


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Nov 24, 2009
Spent some time with Butch Jones this morning and found him operating out of a new office at the other end of the football office complex from where he was before and from where both Brian Kelly and Mark Dantonio both operated before him.

Jones’ new office is on the site of the former video room. It’s roughly twice as big as his previous office and overlooks the 50-yard line of Nippert Stadium. His previous office had a great view of the tennis courts. Jones said the move didn’t cost anything. He simply moved his furniture down the hall, rearranged things and added a few touches of his own.

Why the bigger office?

Jones says it’s not about ego, but about the impression that’s made when recruits and their families come to visit. With recruiting, he said, it’s all about presentation and having a spacious office is part of the overall impression.

If you drive past the construction site for the new practice fields along Jefferson Ave., it’s hard to conceive that they’ll be ready to go by the Sept. 1 target date, but Jones says everything is on schedule and he expects it to be ready on time.

While waiting to see Jones, I was treated to some videos that were playing in the lobby of the football office. The most entertaining is one of Kerry Coombs at what looks like a tug-of-war among the football players. Coombs is out of control, jumping up and down and pumping his fist exhorting the players and generally being very Kerry Coombs.

I saw only a brief part of it, but it was hilarious. You’ve got to love the man’s enthusiasm.
So Koch doesn't write anything about UC football for a month and this is the best he could come up with? About Butch Jones switching offices and seeing a video of Coombs that every UC fan knows has been posted on coachjonesblog for months?
LOL, raceinejake! Frankly I've come not to expect any better.

Regarding UC football coverage, you know it will be worse than last year, right? For one, the Reds are in the hunt of winning the pennent. There will be nary a story on UC in the Enquierer, on local news or on radio. Maybe they'll be a few paragraphs here and there but that will likely be it. We will get wall to wall Reds (and soon Bengals coverage), but UC stories will be hard to find. Two, after Brian Kelly called the local media out in his first season they covered him a bit to prove him wrong. They found out he was a good interview and often said things to stir the pot a little bit. In his last season, Kelly was a national story so the local media had to cover the guy.
Dyer does a pretty good job with UC, but solid articles (especially concerning recruiting) are hard to come by.

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