Phillips goes off on C. Trent Rosecrans


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Oct 24, 2012
Tired of pro athletes acting like this. C. Trent asked him a valid question and he acts like a jerk:

Meanwhile, I love Dusty just sitting there with his head up his a$$. He clearly can't manage in game and he is supposed to be so great with managing personalities, but he does nothing. We need someone like Pete Mackanin, who benched Ken Griffey Jr. for not running out a groundball. I don't think managers really mean a whole lot in baseball, but you have to have some control of your players. This is ridiculous, especially coming right after him whining about "only" making 72.5 million dollars to play a game. This isn't just a Brandon Phillips problem, IMO, this is a widespread problem across all sports.
Tired of pro athletes acting like this. C. Trent asked him a valid question and he acts like a jerk:

Meanwhile, I love Dusty just sitting there with his head up his a$$. He clearly can't manage in game and he is supposed to be so great with managing personalities, but he does nothing. We need someone like Pete Mackanin, who benched Ken Griffey Jr. for not running out a groundball. I don't think managers really mean a whole lot in baseball, but you have to have some control of your players. This is ridiculous, especially coming right after him whining about "only" making 72.5 million dollars to play a game. This isn't just a Brandon Phillips problem, IMO, this is a widespread problem across all sports.

Dusty Baker is a horrible manager. He does not play percentages he goes strictly on gut and feel. Hoover pitching the other night is a perfect example. You bring in a guy who throws nearly all fastballs to face a guy who is statistically one on the best fastball hitters in baseball, especially with runners on base and abra cadabra grand slam. He's horrible in game. A great locker room guy but horrible in game.
I don't think Dusty is a horrible manager, he just is an old school guy. You know he won't make any adjustments, especially in the batting order. Moving Votto up to the 2 spot has been a good idea since May.

For as bad as Phillips has been (OBP is worse than Drew freaking Stubbs), he does hit well with runners on base (.317 average).


That is about as good as the Reds can get offensively.
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I don't think Dusty is a horrible manager, he just is an old school guy. You know he won't make any adjustments, especially in the batting order. Moving Votto up to the 2 spot has been a good idea since May.

For as bad as Phillips has been (OBP is worse than Drew freaking Stubbs), he does hit well with runners on base (.317 average).


That is about as good as the Reds can get offensively.

Like I said, I don't think he is horrible overall, but he is a manager. In baseball, IMO, managers mean less than they do in almost any other sport. They will help you win a couple games a year at most. If you are a team right on the outside looking on making the playoffs, the manager can make a difference, but if you are anybody else, it isn't like they have any magical powers. As Billy Beane correctly stated, the playoffs are a crapshoot.
Tired of pro athletes acting like this. C. Trent asked him a valid question and he acts like a jerk:

I disagree. Rosencrans did not ask a valid question (tweet, whatever). He compared a 2 hole hitter's OBP with a 4 hole hitter's OBP. The approach of the 2 hole differs greatly than that of a cleanup hitter. BP's job this year is not to get on base. His job is to extend ABs, fouling off out of the zone pitches, in order to get something in the zone, so he can "clean up" the bases. He has the 2nd most RBIs of all NL cleanup hitters (Craig).

It could easily be misconstrued as an attack on both Dusty and BP. OBP is not and has never been the metric used to determine a good 4 hole hitter. RBIs is the metric for that. That's why BP jokingly told Dusty to put him in the 8 hole (if his OBP is so bad), which obviously would NEVER happen.

That said, BP didn't handle himself well at all. Not even a little bit. But Rosencrans is a moronic desk jockey that revealed himself to know very little about the sport.
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and are you sure it wasn't Narron who benched Encarnacion?

i don't remember The Kid being benched for not running. I could definitely be wrong, though. Definitely a chance I missed 1 out of 162 games in 2007.
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I disagree. Rosencrans did not ask a valid question (tweet, whatever). He compared a 2 hole hitter's OBP with a 4 hole hitter's OBP. The approach of the 2 hole differs greatly than that of a cleanup hitter. BP's job this year is not to get on base. His job is to extend ABs, fouling off out of the zone pitches, in order to get something in the zone, so he can "clean up" the bases. He has the 2nd most RBIs of all NL cleanup hitters (Craig).

It could easily be misconstrued as an attack on both Dusty and BP. OBP is not and has never been the metric used to determine a good 4 hole hitter. RBIs is the metric for that. That's why BP jokingly told Dusty to put him in the 8 hole (if his OBP is so bad), which obviously would NEVER happen.

That said, BP didn't handle himself well at all. Not even a little bit. But Rosencran is a moronic desk jockey that revealed himself to know very little about the sport.

Ctrent is about as good as a reporter as they come. He didnt ask a question. He simply pointed out a fact. A statistical fact. The whole point in putting Brandon in the 2 hole is to get more people on base in front of Joey. BP is hitting in the 300s when runners are on base and the low 200s when no one is on. There is a reason for this. It's much easier to hit with runners on than when they are not. Ctrent did not attack Brandon. Hell he didnt even call him out. He simply pointed out that the reds are putting somebody in the 2 hole who gets on base less than the person currently occupying that spot. BP was completely over the line. Disgusting.
not arguing that BP was out of line, not arguing it at all.
but again, BP's OBP could be .110 for all i care, as long as he's on pace for 115 RBIs. it just makes no sense calling out a 4 hole hitter's OBP. his approach all year has not been to get on base, but to drive in runs.

the comparison (/tweet) was idiotic. but yes, datdude was way over the line with his behavior.
I haven't heard the whole story. Was Phillips told what he said and that was his reaction or did he already know what he said and when given the opportunity he spoke out? Maybe he just thought Rosecrans was calling him out without realizing the context of how it was said. His reaction was extreme in my opinion, but at least he has fire. As bad as they've played the last week, it's good to know he's in a pissy mood. Honestly, I've been upset with Phillips average the second half of this year. He's clearly swinging for homeruns and giving away at bats. He typically a .290 hitter and last I saw he was at .259. The RBI's are great, but don't give at-bats away when no one is on base. When Phillips wants to be he can be a good hitter. As far as Dusty is concerned Iliked that he said nothing publically about it. Why stir the pot more? There's no way of us knowing if he was addressed privately by Dusty or the Reds. People give Dusty too much crap. And to my memory Griffey was never benched, but Encarnacion was and Mackanin got called out for why he'd bench one and not the other for the same thing. I do remember Dusty benching Phillips a couple years back for not running out a ground ball, for what its worth.
BP should be embarrassed. His actions where beyond childish and unprofessional.

He gets paid ALOT of money to play a game AND to handle the media in an appropriate manor. Just absolutely ridiculous.

As for Dusty. His lack of action was absurd. BP should have been benched. Hell Dusty should have stood up and stopped the whole thing.

Im so sick of "athletes" who think they are entitled to do whatever they want because of there career.
BP should be embarrassed. His actions where beyond childish and unprofessional.

He gets paid ALOT of money to play a game AND to handle the media in an appropriate manor. Just absolutely ridiculous.

As for Dusty. His lack of action was absurd. BP should have been benched. Hell Dusty should have stood up and stopped the whole thing.

Im so sick of "athletes" who think they are entitled to do whatever they want because of there career.

Exactly how I feel, we need more Sean Casey-type athletes who know how to talk to the media and really take on a role in the community. Yes I think Casey is a horrible announcer, but he is the perfect example of how an athlete should act.
After watching the clip on it, while I definitely don't condone what he did, it just sounds like he's blowing off steam. Yeah he went about it the wrong way. BP has been in the league for what, 10 years now? This is the first incident like this. Typically he is a media darling. And I still don't get why people are upset at Dusty? I know most people hate him so they will find anything to criticize him. First of all, he was caught off-guard by this and shouldn't have gotten into the middle of it. I'd rather my manger have his players backs than call a player out in front of the media. There's no saying what happened after the fact behind closed doors. Secondly, he's not Brandon's daddy. There is a thing called freedom of speech in this country. What Brandon said wasn't good, but it doesn't violate any sort of team rules, nor does it hurt the team in anyway. He even says to Rosecrans that he's "bringing negative **** to the team". And Rosecrans eggs him on a little bit at the end. It was an unfortunate incident, I'm sure Phillips regrets it knowing what kind of guy he is. I surely don't think it warrants a benching. And was this caught on air or was it after the press conference and someone just kept rolling film?
It was an unfortunate incident, I'm sure Phillips regrets it knowing what kind of guy he is.

Do you Kno BP??? Cause unfortunately BP isn't that great of a guy... On camera he usually puts on the act. Behind camera, not so much...

And btw he doesnt regret it considering he was making more jokes about it in his last press conference.

BP's act is old. People will start to see past it eventually. SImply dont get why people actually enjoy the guys antics.
Do you Kno BP??? Cause unfortunately BP isn't that great of a guy... On camera he usually puts on the act. Behind camera, not so much...

And btw he doesnt regret it considering he was making more jokes about it in his last press conference.

BP's act is old. People will start to see past it eventually. SImply dont get why people actually enjoy the guys antics.

Do you know BP???

I know he still signs autographs at every game, I know stories I've heard of the good stuff he does. I don't think he doesn't feel the way he spoke about Rosecrans, but I would bet he regrets how he handled it. And to be honest with you what about his act bothers you so much? The bravado you display on this board kind of reminds me of the bravado BP puts out. Not trying to call you out, just saying. And yeah some don't like that type of bravado, I for one don't mind it as long as it is in good fun.
Do you know BP???

I know he still signs autographs at every game, I know stories I've heard of the good stuff he does. I don't think he doesn't feel the way he spoke about Rosecrans, but I would bet he regrets how he handled it. And to be honest with you what about his act bothers you so much? The bravado you display on this board kind of reminds me of the bravado BP puts out. Not trying to call you out, just saying. And yeah some don't like that type of bravado, I for one don't mind it as long as it is in good fun.

Im all good for fun banter/ fun cockyness.

I draw the line when you degrade someone whose just trying to do their job. Bp got called out and couldnt handle it. Its AMAZING how mentally fragile he is when it comes to the media. Could you imagine if he had to play in NY or Boston? He couldnt handle it...

Also the fact that he hasnt come out and apologized tells me alot. Messing up, getting caught in the moment.. thats one thing. But if you cant step up and own up to it as a mistake, nothing but a coward.

I thought it was ridiculous how Dusty sat there with a stupid grin the whole time.
Im all good for fun banter/ fun cockyness.

I draw the line when you degrade someone whose just trying to do their job. Bp got called out and couldnt handle it. Its AMAZING how mentally fragile he is when it comes to the media. Could you imagine if he had to play in NY or Boston? He couldnt handle it... Also the fact that he hasnt come out and apologized tells me alot. Messing up, getting caught in the moment.. thats one thing. But if you cant step up and own up to it as a mistake, nothing but a coward.

I thought it was ridiculous how Dusty sat there with a stupid grin the whole time.

That part I agree with. I also agree he should've apologized. I also agree that C. Trent had every reason to call out his stat line as his average has dipped. My whole point is this is his first incident like this and doesn't really reflect the Brandon we've always known. The guy's struggling and the team is losing and he snapped at getting called out. At least he's responded at the plate. I still have no problem with Dusty on this. Don't make a situation worse. I actually think Rosecrans was wrong for asking Dusty to address Phillips in front of the media during his outburst. I'd be willing to bet that behind closed doors Dusty addressed BP in some manner. Probably told him to shut his mouth and start hitting.

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