All we needed this year was for UConn to play like themselves and then Houston to win about 1 more game. Then we could have had 5-6 rpi Top 50's. That's a 4 seed. Houston just outside of the top 50 rpi does not even register as a team any better than USF.
In most years I would expect we are going to have 3 regular teams in the top 50 and then 1 more team having a good year. 3-5 good teams is enough.
AAC just sucked this year. So the committee screwed us as hard as they could by dropping us a seed line or 2, moving us out west, giving us the hardest of the playin games, and then making sure we get easily the toughest 3 seed for good measure if we win.
And fans wonder why we don't get out of the first two games very! We usually get f-ed in the A by the committee. I don't care about dropping us a seed line...just don't screw us in every possible way you can.