Just wanted to share my thoughts.
The meeting was designed and geared toward transparency with fans regarding their push for Big 12. But he acknowledged what's happening on football field has opened up new issues to discuss. But they showed several videos and described UC's idea behind its push. It was very well done. He said UC was under gag order during process so they couldn't share stuff before...thus the idea for town hall meeting. He said big 12 commissioner was on board for expansion and his personal opinion was they were set with us and couldn't decide on a 12th. Also said not being able to sit down with the presidents hampered our ability to sell ourselves.
The next phase was showing the new arena video. Nothing really new on that front. Arena will hold around 12000. One side of lower bowl will be club seating exclusively. Not much detail other than that. Mentioned they are still trying go decide between US Bank and NKU for games next year, basically whoever gives us the best deal. I chimed in on the traffic disaster around NKU's arena and he asked me if it was an issue of enough police handling it. I said no, it was an issue of funneling everybody into one lane of traffic. But he said traffic concerns are a big deal.
As far as football and Tuberville goes, he hears the frustrations and shares them. He said there is some good stuff tuberville does (grades,etc.), but results on the field are not what they need to be. Obviously didn't come out and say he was going to be fired, but did say if getting rid of a coach is necessary to succeed that's what they'll do. So.....
Questions people brought up. First was about officiating...like really? And he spent a lot of time talking about it. Interesting nonetheless. He said last year our conference led the nation on holding calls and all the teams were up in arms saying fans don't come to games to watch the refs. So they addressed it with league officials and now we have the least amount of holding calls. He said we can influence officials and we should be loud at refs and let them know when we disagree. Told a story of how in his early days at northern idaho??? they played gonzaga and all the players for gonzaga and the refs were on first name basis and guess who got the benefit of calls. Said you can influence officiating. Went on to say he'll say stuff during games to refs and recalled a lot of individual calls and plays in past games. Kind of impressed he could do that. I thought us nut job fans were the only ones, haha. He spent more time than needed to be talking about that. Maybe he was happy to not have to talk about Tuberville.
Someone asked why Xavier can out recruit us. He basically said a school like Xavier puts all their resources into one basket and UC cant. He did say recruiting needs to get better several times. Football and basketball. One of the things he highlighted in sell to big 12 was Ohio being #5 state for recruiting in football and badketball. Later brought up that Stat in regards to Tuberville and said he isn't getting it done in ohio. So good to see he sees it like it is. He said new arena will help basketball recruiting.
Someone asked about tuberville's comments this past week that program is in better shape now than when he took over. He said in some areas it is and some not. Obviously not on the field results. He said things like grades and off the field stuff are fine, but winning and recruiting need to happen. Said tuberville did a good job on engaging fans when he got here, but not now. Said we can't have a disconnect with fans because we are the lifeblood.