On the Butch Jones Beat (Springer)


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Nov 24, 2009
As the saying goes, "There's a new sheriff in town!".

He's full of detail, research, integrity,hard work and results. He's as no-nonsense as they come.

In a sense, he's Joe Friday from Dragnet. He does his homework, he understands intricate pieces that make a big puzzle and he has "functional intelligence" (just the facts).

Based on that, it's no surprise new UC football coach Butch Jones likens his duties to that of a law enforcement official. Turns out, if he wasn't coaching football, he'd be on a beat somewhere.

"No brainer, I'd be a police officer," said Jones quickly. "My father was a chief of police for 35 years, my uncle was a post commander in the Michigan State Police, so I grew up in a police household. Shoot, I was three-years-old and had my own police uniform. I think there's a lot of similarities between police work and football. That's why I've really wanted to reach out to the local authorities and get them involved in our program and for our players to understand that the uniform is good. I do have a passion for police work and great respect for all that they do."

Considering the police background, it's no wonder Jones has set high standards for the Bearcat football program and considers everyone in his "precinct" family. That mentality also shows in the "Represent the C" mantra that's been preached since Coach Jones first addressed the fans and students at a UC basketball game. In Jones' eyes, the "C" equates to a badge that must be lived up to and honored.

Thus far, Butch Jones and the Bearcats have done just that. After a successful spring practice session during the month of April, Jones and company are continuing on with recruiting and also are engaging in a number of appearances in the warm months. Though not exactly "tent revivals", the Bearcat Caravans allow fans to hear some of the other coaches, in addition to Butch Jones, speak of their programs. (Though not necessarily fundraisers, should you be inspired to pass an offering plate UCATS would gladly help you direct your money.)

Continued (much more).....

I can't say BK wasn't loyal, while he was there. We as fans put our heart and soul into our team, but to the school, athletic dept, coaches, and employees...it's also a job. When a better job comes along, most people would take it. Not saying ND is better, but more money is more money. I don't fault him for that, as I would do the same. These coaches have zero ties to UC, so loyalty also comes with reward. BK did a great job while he was here, and I suspect BJ will do the same. The problem is that the better Butch does, the more suitors will come calling with double the money. It's just the way it works.

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