If you are goining to accommodate ND fans


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Feb 12, 2010
If UC is going to accommodate Notre Dame fans who want to watch both Notre Dame football and basketball on January 7 by moving the basketball game from 9pm to 6:30pm, why is UC not accommodating Bengal fans who want to watch the Bengals playoff game at 4:30pm by moving the St. John's game to a noon tip off?

The TV ratings for the Bengals playoff game will be the typical 50 to 60 share while the UC/St.John's game will get at most a 3 rating going against the Bengals.

It will also cost UC attendence wise as many will choose watching the Bengals vs buying a ticket and going to the UC game.

Makes no sense to accommodate ND fans on Monday and do nothing for Bengal fans on Saturday. There are a lot more UC/Bengal fans than UC/ND fans.
I tend to agree with you, but your favoritism for the Bengals over UC is annoying. I love the Bengals too and I will absolutely be watching the game vs the Texans over the St. Johns game simply because of it's importance. But a big UC game gets my attention over a big Bengals game any day.
They are not moving the ND game so UC basketball fans can watch Noter Shame football. It is being moved (or considered) to accomodate ND fans so they can watch both basketball and football.

Quite frankly, if UC was in a Bowl game with the basketball team playing at same time, we'd want it moved too. The Belk Bowl and New Mexico game had a little overlap, and that was okay. I'd be more up in arms if it were UC in the National Championship game and they were in direct competition. I say, change the time and not give them any grief - we'd ask the same if the roles were reversed. Besides, I think our style of play is more suited to the earlier start time.
They are not moving the ND game so UC basketball fans can watch Noter Shame football. It is being moved (or considered) to accomodate ND fans so they can watch both basketball and football.

Quite frankly, if UC was in a Bowl game with the basketball team playing at same time, we'd want it moved too. The Belk Bowl and New Mexico game had a little overlap, and that was okay. I'd be more up in arms if it were UC in the National Championship game and they were in direct competition. I say, change the time and not give them any grief - we'd ask the same if the roles were reversed. Besides, I think our style of play is more suited to the earlier start time.

People actually watch ND basketball??? They suck, we beat them by 20 last year. They got that big white goober that everyone thinks is SOOOO good. Kelvin Gaines is tougher than that clown. I'm not trying to sound like BearcatMick, but we should definitely win this game.
People actually watch ND basketball??? They suck, we beat them by 20 last year. They got that big white goober that everyone thinks is SOOOO good. Kelvin Gaines is tougher than that clown. I'm not trying to sound like BearcatMick, but we should definitely win this game.

They beat the tar out of Kentucky and have one loss. I hate them but don't sleep on them.
They beat the tar out of Kentucky and have one loss. I hate them but don't sleep on them.

We are a weird program-we tend to do well against ND but have always struggled against St. John's, Rutgers, etc. UC has this trait as a program of playing to the level of their opponents. We played really well in big games against Syracuse, Florida St., etc. but struggle sometimes with Presbytrian, Oklahoma, etc.
Like when they beat us by 38 in the Big East tourney a couple years ago? History against a program means next to nothing. No reason to expect this will not ne a tough game.
I don't care about ND fan's, I only care about UC fans. Keep the game as is!

As for the game itself, that will be a brutal battle and either team can win this. I wish people on this board would stop being so stupid such as predicting huge wins, undefeated OOC and national championships for this team. Enough already. Don't give your competition any reasons to play better and always respect your opponent.

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