Petrino backstabbed Louisville and left for the Falcons. If they can welcome him back, we can too...
I mean we
could, sure. And I don't doubt that a number of fans would be thrilled with the move. But for me personally, I don't want to win that bad. Which is somewhat crazy for me to say because I think I'm pretty demanding of coaches. I value winning, and winning big, more than most fans. But I'd rather roll the dice with literally anyone else, and I mean anyone at all, than Brian Kelly. I'd rather do worse with another option than better with him. But to each their own though.
I just think some may forget just how ugly that all that was. One big difference in Petrino's departure was that it was announced after the bowl game. Jan 7th to be exact. He didn't ditch a 11-0, #3 ranked team, a school, and a town, right before the biggest game in the program's history.
It's not just that he left, it's how he left. His players were the last to found out. Rumors had been flying for weeks, and heated up days and days prior to his telling them. It had been reported as a done deal the morning of the night he decided to break the news to his kids. They were left in limbo.
He told just before their awards banquet. Classy move there. I remember reading that Mardy Gilyard just grabbed his MVP trophy and left. Guys were crying with reporters in their face, on what should have been a night to celebrate all of their hard work. That's just wrong.
I find almost impossible to believe he couldn't have coached that bowl game if he wanted to. If he really wanted to, and if Notre Dame really wanted him, that would been allowed to happen. But it didn't, despite it being the right thing to do. And not only did he immediately pack up and leave town he took half the staff with him. It's not uncommon for assistants to be allowed to stay back. That didn't happen either. We lost not only our head coach, but a number of other assistants. Here we are, in the biggest game of these kids lives, biggest game ever for this fanbase, and were at half staff. Wtf?
There's a lot of quotes on that from kids on that team about how they were mislead and lied to. Tony Pike, if you listen to 700, certainly sounds like a smart enough guy. I'm sure he knows the game is business. Yet I remember him really chastising Kelly for what he was telling the team throughout the ordeal. How much he loved the team, how much his family loves the city, blah, blah, blah. Yet he picked up immediately and gave them no notice and no help.
And the worst of it all, I kept thinking at some point, perhaps during his initial press conference at ND, that he would make a point to acknowledge those kids and this town. That maybe he would express sincere regret that he couldn't be a part of the rest of the season, that he greatly appreciated everybody, that he loved the city. Never happened. He gave on bs canned answer to Cincinnati and moved right on.
In the years since he's never gone out of his way to compliment this school or town. He's never applauded the improvements or thrown in support for us moving to a power conference. He's never said much of anything. We have gotten more praise from Urban Meyer than Brian Kelly. Think about that. The coach at O$U has more nice things to say about an in-state competitor than our old coach.
I'm sure he could do very well here if he came back. I would just view every win as tainted, and it would be hard to stomach to see him in red and black. We deserve so much better than being such a desperate destination that we're forced to bring back someone that treated us like dirt. It's the equivalent of going back to a woman that cheated on you a dozen of times just because you can't do any better. The word pathetic comes to mind.