I would say no, and I don’t think there is anything major here. Seems more and more to me like a witch hunt, the AD just keeps looking worse as the days go by IMO. I’m not exactly a Brannen fan, not convinced either way he is the right option. But it’s clearly been a difficult couple years to take over a program. I truly don’t believe we would have lost more than 2 transfers if it wasn’t for it being so easy this year. I think we lost 3 players because of their over sensitivity, and the rest because hey, why not, coupled with some other smaller things. It is what it is at this point and not a whole lot we can do about it.
I also don’t really see many other GREAT candidates out there that I think are just going to automatically come and be better than CJB. I don’t think we are losing much keeping him around two more seasons, but we will see what happens I suppose