UCalum08, I don't think many people realize the mess MC took over. I think its time people in his Hometown support his efforts. It is strange to me that people outside the city notably the talking heads understand what MC has accomplished. The fact that he is mentioned in regards to every open coaching position should tell people something. Of course that would mean people would have to realize that just because you follow the game as a fan doesn't make you competent or qualified to resurrect a program. They use 20/20 hindsight and limited coaching experience or ability to support their opinions but if you gave them a whistle and a bag of balls and said, OK you coach the team they would look like a deer in the headlights. We have a local who wants to be here coaching our team and doing VERY well. It is comical to me how many were screaming for Thomas's head for hiring Kelly,Jones and MC. All they have done is given us 4 BE football Championships and 2 BCS bowl games and MC has got us back in the Dance 2 consecutive years and it looks like more on the way from a program that was given a self imposed death penalty. My message to those people is if you want to help the program don't try to tell MC how to coach, you not qualified. What you are qualified for is buying tickets and supporting the team. If you think you can do a better job than what he has delived your mental and should seek immediate help. Go CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!