i know a few people very well that have played overseas. if you get in an upper level league- you will make a lot of money. all of the countries have a associations, and the association is broken down into levels- i.e. an A league, B league, C league etc. upper level leagues pay well. lower level leagues do not pay that well. a big problem, regardless of what level you play at, is actually seeing that money. most of the teams do not pay you on time, and you often have to wait years to see all the money in your contract, if ever. i have one friend in particular who is an 8 year veteran and is owed money from 4 different teams still from his career.
however, as you all have said- you get your apartment, car, per diem all taken care of by the team. also, all of the money is post-tax. so if you sign a 50K contract, you are getting 50K, not whatever would remain after taxes.