The idea of "credit" is retarded. If you don't have money, you don't have money. And if you don't have money don't f*cking spend money. Nations should not be able to loan other nations money if they have a debt. Nations should not be able to spend more money than they have since that is technically impossible. When it comes to interest/usery that is also absurd. Name a finite amount someone should pay you back and that's it. It is unreasonable to suggest the amount may vary by X according to market trends or other accounts leaving a certain place. Changing the % a person has to pay back at the whim of someone they're indebt to is just a form of bondage.
Just because someone's alma mater is older than dirt, doesn't mean they have anything to feel good about. It's the same sh*tty bureaucratic cookie cutter system across the board. It all sucks. I've been in fellowships with the profs who wrote your text books, they're all yo-yo's, the people who gave them tenure? Also yo-yo's.
Why is it people have the nerve to get upset at kids working customer service when they aren't familiar with an item in some large ass store? Ask them about a section, ask them if they have a clue and if they don't; move on with your day. No one cares about some crappy niche product you saw on QVC. These people make minimum wage and you're going to complain? I hope you fall and break your neck.
"I want half paper half plastic, oh but not the cereal boxes; they'll need to be put in these sacks I brought with me. Make sure you match them by brand! Oh yeah, double bag the cat litter in plastic but then put it in paper. Pay no mind to the fact that it's sealed in plastic already and in an industrial sized tub that no bag could possibly hold"
... Yeah, I appreciate that; now I'm going to have to wait 15 minutes while they bag your sh*t. Hope I don't see your car next time I come here, might just throw some rotten shrimp I use as fishing bate in an open window, provided I don't let the air out your tires or drop a deuce on your hood when no one is around.