Good lord, I go away for a weekend of failing to shoot turkey and look what happens!
Great points by all members (except one) in this thread.
My take is similar to many others'. This board is striving not necessarily to be the biggest Bearcats message board on the net, but to be the best place for recruiting news and intelligent discourse on the teams, coaches, and administration.
Threads started where the gist of the OP's say is "Mick sucks" or "Mick should go" or "Mick is short" (I'm looking at you lumberjack

) are not intelligent or relevant and add nothing to the site. I didn't get a chance to read the deleted thread, but I'd have to guess there wasn't a single fact-based argument in the original post, and if there was, it was one that we've discussed ad nauseum in previous threads.
Think about this place as a virtual pub. If a bunch of us just got done talking about the Polish President dying, or the failings of the American government, and a new person that we've never met comes to the table right after we get done and says "You guys hear about the Polish President?", how would you expect us to respond? Would we repeat the entire conversation for their benefit?
AAABearcat, I understand that you want to talk with other people about how Mick Cronin should be fired. You should understand by now that we're not those people...not because we all agree he's the best thing since sliced bread, but because that conversation has already been had here and is redundant and tiresome until new evidence supporting or denying that claim is brought to the table.
My pub analogy above, while getting the general point across, is flawed. In real life if that happened and it was pointed out that we've just finished talking about the Polish President and are now on a different subject (as was done here with the Cronin stuff), the newcomer in all likelihood would accept that and move on to the new topic of conversation. The difference with the internet is that everybody tends to believe the world revolves around them and their whims. "I want to talk about the Polish President," they'd say, and they'd go right on talking despite the fact that nobody else cares. A message board, IMO, should be more about having a conversation than venting. This isn't your diary. We don't care how you "feel" about Mick Cronin. Give us facts or give us your absence.
Gonna go drink an IPA now. I apologize for the long-winded post but it seemed like I needed to catch up after missing all this fun!