Guys, I know I don't post often, but I read as much as possible. Count me as one who would hate to see the site go away. I'm also a regular at as site called Ohio sports fans. Started as a bengals site, but the mod likes to keep it generally as a site for all ohio sports. But is driven by bengals posts. We have a pledge drive each year that he posts a paypal link and whoever can chips in what they can afford to and that keeps the site going.
I have two thoughts here. One, we could do the same here and those who can pitch in will. The reward at OSF for being a "contributing" member is we have a forum just for those who contribute where moderating basically doesn't exist so you can make your off color comments there and do your "hot chicks" threads and the likes without it being public or share personal stories that you don't want out there for the entire public to view.
My second thought is to talk to him and see if somehow we could combine the two sites, consolidate costs and have some help with moderating. I know he has little time lately to do much with the site as his family and work responsibilities have increased. but the addititional support may be much needed and it would be a great fit it sounds like.
Anyway, just my .02 cents. If you would like me to talk to him and pursue option #2 let me know I'd be happy to. I'd also be happy to chip in a few bucks to keep this place up and running. You all do a nice job here. I like the small group and wealth of information. Reminds me a lot of OSF. On that note, check out OSF sometime at I go by Ryan the Bengal Fan over there. Stop by and say hi, I think you'll find it very similar to here. A small group of passionate fans looking for a place to voice thoughts without being over run by a bunch of flamers.