Anyone see Buzz Williams dancing across the court after Marquette beat WVU at WVU last night? Reminded me of T O celebrating on the star in Dallas after scoring a TD. Awesome!
lol I love that it was vs WVU because their fans are jerks. Most players probably like it but the lockerroom would probably be a better place.
We all know that Butch Jones dances after wins. Come to think of it I think it would be pretty cool if he dance on the cardinal before shaking Charlie Strongs hand next year lol
The football team danced on the Cardinal before the game once and got beat 70-7.
People are such hypocrites. UC fans would have behaved just as poorly had Rick Pitino actually beat UC and danced across the CPaw.
Anyone remember Diego from Charlotte getting a coin thrown at him?
Bad choice for Buzz, but he was a happy man after a win. Bad choice by the fans to do anything more than just scream.