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OK Larry Bird.
If free throw shooting is what you say it is...then why even practice it all if thats what Mick does???

Wow you really don't understand the game of basketball do you? I never said don't practice free throws. Honestly I was and am amazed you thought they don't practice enough! If you understood what I was saying its that all the practice in the world won't help unless you have the MENTAL toughness in the GAME to make the shot!
Wow you really don't understand the game of basketball do you? I never said don't practice free throws. Honestly I was and am amazed you thought they don't practice enough! If you understood what I was saying its that all the practice in the world won't help unless you have the MENTAL toughness in the GAME to make the shot!

But you said its 90% mental and only 10% physical, so why even practice them if thats the cae? Stop reading the grade school manual on how to shoot free throws. Im pretty sure Shaq has the mental capability to shoot free throws, but he just cant PHYSICALLY make them. As for Mick, hes a lame duck, we lose 4 more games, hes done.
Wow you really don't understand the game of basketball do you? I never said don't practice free throws. Honestly I was and am amazed you thought they don't practice enough! If you understood what I was saying its that all the practice in the world won't help unless you have the MENTAL toughness in the GAME to make the shot!

You are agreeing with me then.

If free throw shooting is so much mental toughness and obviously according to you our team has little of...THEN WHY EVEN PRACTICE THEM AT ALL IF "ALL THE PRACTICE IN THE WORLD WON"T HELP?"

Get real, Mick has fault in that too. When Calipari was at Memphis there was issue with the free throw shooting. Guess who took responsibility?? Guess?

Here John Calipari!
You are agreeing with me then.

If free throw shooting is so much mental toughness and obviously according to you our team has little of...THEN WHY EVEN PRACTICE THEM AT ALL IF "ALL THE PRACTICE IN THE WORLD WON"T HELP?"

Get real, Mick has fault in that too. When Calipari was at Memphis there was issue with the free throw shooting. Guess who took responsibility?? Guess?

Here John Calipari!

OK, there is a difference from shooting free throws for 20 min at practice, to shooting them for 1+ hour! It doesnt matter if you shoot for an hour or 20 min, if you don't have the mental toughness to make them in the games it wont matter if you practice them at all of for 10 hours a day!

Franchise: If shaq had the mental toughness it wouldnt matter what his form looked like! I can show you hundreds of players who have horrible form but can make 70% from the line!

Second, I believe John "the snake" Calipari took responsibility because it's much easier for a coach to say "well we need to work on free throws more" or "It's my fault we dont practice free throws enough" than it is to say my players are weak mentally!

Lastly, I can only conclude that you haven't played the game of basketball at a high level. If you have then you would understand the art of free throw shooting and what it takes to be a great free throw shooter. I can tell you personally that teams I would be on would only shoot free throws for 5-10 min a day and we still averaged about 75% from the line.
I know its atleast 3 different people. I have no idea who lumberjack is. But i know for a fact myself, ready2go, and legend are 3 seperate people. Are you a detective now? Cuz your not very good at it.

How is this for detective. TheFranchise and ready2go have the same IP address and usually post within 2 or 3 minutes of each other. Go ahead and look.

Usually they feed off each other and back each other other.

The Franchise is so pethetic that he creates other names to agree with his opinions. THEN you actually make posts about how so many people agree with you!

You are the extreme fan that has little to no crediability because you have never given Mick a chance in 2 or 3 years and you will never give him credit.

Go ahead and tell me you arent all four people who agree with TheFranchise but you are. Also don't try to tell me it is someone who is living with you.

I have a feeling we will see you space out the two sn and no longer post at the same time.
How is this for detective. TheFranchise and ready2go have the same IP address and usually post within 2 or 3 minutes of each other. Go ahead and look.

Usually they feed off each other and back each other other.

The Franchise is so pethetic that he creates other names to agree with his opinions. THEN you actually make posts about how so many people agree with you!

You are the extreme fan that has little to no crediability because you have never given Mick a chance in 2 or 3 years and you will never give him credit.

Go ahead and tell me you arent all four people who agree with TheFranchise but you are. Also don't try to tell me it is someone who is living with you.

I have a feeling we will see you space out the two sn and no longer post at the same time.

Haha, please, trace the 2 IP addresses from today for ready2go and myself. You will see they are totally different. Now explain to me how I could possibly do that? UNLESS im superman
Im guessing posting at school then your house.

Look at the time of the posts, how would that even be possilbe? You think i made a post at my house, drove to school to post, then went back to my house, then back to school, all in a matter of 2 minutes?
Look at the time of the posts, how would that even be possilbe? You think i made a post at my house, drove to school to post, then went back to my house, then back to school, all in a matter of 2 minutes?

It is you. This may not have been. But it is you. You always post at the same time and about the same ol stuff. I refuse to believe there are more people that believe in what your saying.
I think its safe to say TheFranchise is indeed actually Superman... well or greaton1 shouldn't be a detective in the near future.
It is you. This may not have been. But it is you. You always post at the same time and about the same ol stuff. I refuse to believe there are more people that believe in what your saying.

haha, ok, you'd be a great detective. This is ridiculous. I have several people that believe in exactly what I believe in. 2 usernames, 2 seperate IP addresses and you still believe they are both me?
I think its safe to say TheFranchise is indeed actually Superman... well or greaton1 shouldn't be a detective in the near future.

Ok. Well we will see about this. They have the same IP address for 90 % of their post and talk about the same stuff and post within minutes of each other.

I dont know if you think im retarded or something....
I refuse to believe there are more people that believe in what your saying.

This statement is a stretch. Look around. There are TONS of facebook groups set up around the "fire cronin" with hundreds of people in each. hell there is even a website. Firecronin.com..
We are blowing your mind right now all great and mighty one!!

For catsfan...i skipped college ball went right to the pro's. Get on my level

Keep talking smack and i am going to pummel you in hoops AGAIN. Just like when I dominated last time.

Ok. Well we will see about this. They have the same IP address for 90 % of their post and talk about the same stuff and post within minutes of each other.

I dont know if you think im retarded or something....

Its a college student. College students live with other college student. I honestly dont care all that much. But two college students who live together posting on the same website is not a stretch.
Keep talking smack and i am going to pummel you in hoops AGAIN. Just like when I dominated last time.


My intermural days of basketball have been over for a couple years now. I'v moved on to bigger and better sports.
Its a college student. College students live with other college student. I honestly dont care all that much. But two college students who live together posting on the same website is not a stretch.

On the same website at the same time ALWAYS? Posting the same stuff? From the same IP address. Again, I dont know if you think I am retarded or not...

LivingLegend you are a joke. You jump on and off the Mick bandwagon SOO fast it is unreal.
Keep talking smack and i am going to pummel you in hoops AGAIN. Just like when I dominated last time.


Hey princess, bring you at your boy Tayshaun Prince (this person knows who im talking about) and me and ready2go will play you 2 on 2. We win, you leave bearcattalk.

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