Banning/Personal Attacks


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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2014
This is a general message. I'm not banning anyone for having an opinion that doesn't sync up with the majority. If people start harassing one another personally however, that's a different story. We don't need it. And we don't need anyone holding the board hostage with a "Get rid of _____ or I'm gone" attitude. Instead of banning people, I'm going to start erasing posts that have nothing to do with the Bearcats. The petty arguing needs to stop. And it will stop immediately. And to be clear, I am not singling anyone out here. It is just that no one should have to act like a babysitter on a college basketball message board. We should be mature enough to self-govern. And with that, comes the self-control to bite your tongue at times. We all don't like everyone we meet in the real world, but we still have to conduct ourselves in a respectful manner. This is no different. Period. Like it or leave it.

(And this thread is not open for debate...I will delete any and all responses to this message)
One other issue I wanted to address. Many of you that were on the board during the game yesterday saw some very racist, downright vulgar messages being sent out from a variety of inappropriate accounts. It was very upsetting for all of us and apparently there are Xavier fans who don't handle losing very well. Unfortunately while this was happening, and before it got really bad, it was suggested that the person behind it was the member L-T of this board. This was 100% false. I'll repeat that...100% false. It was not L-T behind any of it, in any way, shape or form. I have since spoken with L-T, and needless to say he is incredibly distraught over such egregious accusations. L-T has been a long time supporter of the program and in no way stooped to that kind of level. I just want to make that perfectly clear to all who were involved in the thread. I have spoken with other mods as well, and the IP address has been identified and banned from the site. As a mod, I want to apologize to L-T and all the other members of the board who had to see such offensive and vile content. If anyone has any comments or further concerns regarding this situation, please feel free to PM me and I will be available to try and help. Thanks guys.
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I want to apologize publicly for making assumptions based on certain phrases that were directed at me. I was wrong to do so and L-T had a right to be upset. I was wrong and sincerely offer my apologies.
We are getting to the point where I'm going to start banning people. It isn't just about personal attacks. Being disagreeable constantly, and constantly derailing threads with the same theme is getting really old. People need to be able to come to the site, click on a thread and read a conversation about that specific topic related to Bearcat basketball. I hate closing threads and the threat of banning, but I'm being left with little choice. This board will continue to exist without any one of us individually, so keep that in mind before you post something out of bounds. I really don't want to run anyone off, we're lucky that we have a place to post, but constantly poisoning threads is not an option. The health of the board is what is most important. We aren't just fans here. We're fans who know all the players, recruits, watch every second of every game, and seek out a site to share our thoughts. Let's stop treating each other like the enemy by running each other down. This stops now. And if it doesn't stop, the next post in this thread will be announcing a ban.
I'm back from vacation. I've seen things get personal in a few threads as I've been catching up. Let's knock that stuff off. It is tournament week, no one wants to read stupid little jabs going back and forth. We should have better things to talk about right now.
I'm back from vacation. I've seen things get personal in a few threads as I've been catching up. Let's knock that stuff off. It is tournament week, no one wants to read stupid little jabs going back and forth. We should have better things to talk about right now.

I'm with ya. Was out of town all last week too.
Bulldog01 has been banned for a week. Please do not applaud this, it isn't anything we should be happy about. It is a last resort measure after a final warning was fairly given. He kept it going and called another user a "FOOL". Enough is enough. Now...back to the Bearcats. Thanks guys.
You guys are wearing me out. UCalum08 is banned for calling another user "ignorant" for simply stating his opinion. Take a breath everyone. Step away from the keyboard before you go into attack mode. I'm lifting the ban on bulldog and UCalum08 tomorrow morning. I don't see the point in banning these guys for any longer than that, I think the point has been made. Let's just enjoy some games and Bearcat conversation today without all the animosity. Thanks.
Take the speck out ur own eyes before you try take speck out of Kentucky fan's eyes
Bulldog01 has been banned for a week. Please do not applaud this, it isn't anything we should be happy about. It is a last resort measure after a final warning was fairly given. He kept it going and called another user a "FOOL". Enough is enough. Now...back to the Bearcats. Thanks guys.

He calls our players things like that all the time.
He calls our players things like that all the time.

Prove it. I basically baited this entire board into showing me their real rave card buddy. I called one person a fool but got called every name in book by multiple people on here. If it wasn't for David(much respect) for calling out the mods I'll still be banned while alum still disrespects every body. This board is just as racist like Kentucky boards.
Oh wow hahaha do they serve smashed taters in dream land?
If I go to a game and "boo" team. What's difference if i call them bums instead of booing?
Prove it. I basically baited this entire board into showing me their real rave card buddy. I called one person a fool but got called every name in book by multiple people on here. If it wasn't for David(much respect) for calling out the mods I'll still be banned while alum still disrespects every body. This board is just as racist like Kentucky boards.

All of this is just from one game. A game in which you also called players terrible and the assistant coaches "horrible".

Originally Posted by dbieon12 View Post
I hate being one of those guys who brings up IQ... but c'mon.

Call it like it is were in tournament. Look like we got all players from basement of their high schools

Please don't tell me Caupain has game EVER again. He's garbage

He still garbage because he only does this final 45sec all the time

I can go back further in time and get all you want but I don't have time.
All of this is just from one game. A game in which you also called players terrible and the assistant coaches "horrible".

Originally Posted by dbieon12 View Post
I hate being one of those guys who brings up IQ... but c'mon.

Call it like it is were in tournament. Look like we got all players from basement of their high schools

Please don't tell me Caupain has game EVER again. He's garbage

He still garbage because he only does this final 45sec all the time
Calling a player garbage??? what does basement means?
All of this is just from one game. A game in which you also called players terrible and the assistant coaches "horrible".

Originally Posted by dbieon12 View Post
I hate being one of those guys who brings up IQ... but c'mon.

Call it like it is were in tournament. Look like we got all players from basement of their high schools

Please don't tell me Caupain has game EVER again. He's garbage

He still garbage because he only does this final 45sec all the time

I can go back further in time and get all you want but I don't have time.
Why you didn't say anything to dbeion12? Dude until you guys call it even Steven leave me the hell alone.
Why you didn't say anything to dbeion12? Dude until you guys call it even Steven leave me the hell alone.

Don't worry I'm not going to call you names etc. There are others who say similar things but I used your name as an example because you were recently banned and I think you are one of, if not the worst, offender. You seem to be the most divisive as well IMO...that is you seem to generate the most negative responses to what you say. Time to look in the mirror bud and ask if you can maybe change your comments a little. When it seems like everyone is picking on might be you.

I think you are a die hard fan of the program so that is what I like about you! We have that in common.
Don't worry I'm not going to call you names etc. There are others who say similar things but I used your name as an example because you were recently banned and I think you are one of, if not the worst, offender. You seem to be the most divisive as well IMO...that is you seem to generate the most negative responses to what you say. Time to look in the mirror bud and ask if you can maybe change your comments a little. When it seems like everyone is picking on might be you.

I think you are a die hard fan of the program so that is what I like about you! We have that in common.
Nah picking comes from me being BLACK! you didn't bring up nothing about people calling me dumb, illiterate, thug, etc. It's not hard to see I'm not wanted around here regardless of what I say.
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