10 Most Important Days


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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2010
The next 10 days will tell us everything we need to know.

We play Marquette in what can only be described as a "must" win.

We play Depaul in a true must win. If we lose to them at home we are out of consideration for the tournament.

We play @WVU verse a team Mick has always had success against.

Win 2 of 3 and your still breathing. Lose 2 of 3 and your done.
I agree, last night didnt end our season, although some irrational fans think it did the answer is it did not. Was it a game we all wanted to win and could have won, you better bet your ass we did. Man after every loss its like the sky is falling around bearcat nation. I wasn't very pleased with last nights game, but to go all ape$hit and whine some more shows me more fans react irrationally and are ready to throw in the towel after every loss. Just watch, if we beat Marquette and Depaul everyone will be high as can be, then if we lose the next 3 against top ten teams they will say we flopped down the end.

I feel like I'm on some high school soap opera around bearcat nation (moreso on BCN), everything is always drama and people get so high or low after everything.
I agree, last night didnt end our season, although some irrational fans think it did the answer is it did not. Was it a game we all wanted to win and could have won, you better bet your ass we did. Man after every loss its like the sky is falling around bearcat nation. I wasn't very pleased with last nights game, but to go all ape$hit and whine some more shows me more fans react irrationally and are ready to throw in the towel after every loss. Just watch, if we beat Marquette and Depaul everyone will be high as can be, then if we lose the next 3 against top ten teams they will say we flopped down the end.

I feel like I'm on some high school soap opera around bearcat nation (moreso on BCN), everything is always drama and people get so high or low after everything.

The irrational whining usually come from the 5% extreme fans.
Right and my fear is that they are the people taking over bearcattalk.com

You and me both, I came over here to get away from those kind of posters that are on BCN. I can only hope they don't ruin this board because I enjoy its knowledgeable and rational posters.
You and me both, I came over here to get away from those kind of posters that are on BCN. I can only hope they don't ruin this board because I enjoy its knowledgeable and rational posters.

We will be alright. A lot of these guys will fade if we get it together here. If not they will be gone once football starts. They will only show up to complain about the basketball team.
You and me both, I came over here to get away from those kind of posters that are on BCN. I can only hope they don't ruin this board because I enjoy its knowledgeable and rational posters.

I agree. That is why when I post I usually raise questions with them or bring facts. Thinking irrationaly can only be justified when facts are not presented. Downplaying someone because they did not play at a high level or not is the exact wrong way of approching things.

I would like to think we have rational discussions on this board until personal attacks are made.
This board is different because we:

-focus alot of attention on recruiting
-allow open discussion

The one thing that comes with 'freedom' is responsibility and judgment.

Do we need five threads after a game to declare our feelings on essentially the same matter? Probably not. I'd suggest trying to make a point or two, and not hammer the same opinion in mulitple threads, especially new ones.
This board is different because we:

-focus alot of attention on recruiting
-allow open discussion

The one thing that comes with 'freedom' is responsibility and judgment.

Do we need five threads after a game to declare our feelings on essentially the same matter? Probably not. I'd suggest trying to make a point or two, and not hammer the same opinion in mulitple threads, especially new ones.

Swg I am glad you are here. You add a lot to this board that you cant get other places.
Right and my fear is that they are the people taking over bearcattalk.com

Disagree--Its fun debating with them. I loved how you caught those two Names (who agreed with eachother all thetime) as the same poster yesterday- classsic. How lame is it to have 2 names???

Anyways, I think some people really do like losing so they can come on here and bitch about it. At least it is pretty clear to me anyways.
Disagree--Its fun debating with them. I loved how you caught those two Names (who agreed with eachother all thetime) as the same poster yesterday- classsic. How lame is it to have 2 names???

Anyways, I think some people really do like losing so they can come on here and bitch about it. At least it is pretty clear to me anyways.

Yes two names two different people. Get used to seeing us post from the same IP address too. Last thing I am going to say about this ridiculous attack.

Disagree--Its fun debating with them. I loved how you caught those two Names (who agreed with eachother all thetime) as the same poster yesterday- classsic. How lame is it to have 2 names???

Anyways, I think some people really do like losing so they can come on here and bitch about it. At least it is pretty clear to me anyways.

We will be fine. I just hope one person on 5 names doesn't make this a place where people dont want to go thats all.

I am glad you and slam jam and others are on here to keep some perspective.
The season isn't over.

All the Chicken Littles need to chill out.

Marquette is a must win. It is at home. I EXPECT us to win this game.
The season isn't over.

All the Chicken Littles need to chill out.

Marquette is a must win. It is at home. I EXPECT us to win this game.

I know we play better at home. But I dont feel good. We havent been playing well lately.

I hope we win and I will be there but I dont know what to expect.
I agree. That is why when I post I usually raise questions with them or bring facts. Thinking irrationaly can only be justified when facts are not presented. Downplaying someone because they did not play at a high level or not is the exact wrong way of approching things.

I would like to think we have rational discussions on this board until personal attacks are made.

Assuming this comment was made about the free throw shooting debate. That is a topic that unless you know exactly what it takes to be a good free throw shooter, (ie: experienced what it takes) than in my opinion just stating that "they need to practice more" is an irrational argument. Sorry if I offended you in any way, but its a major pet peeve of mine when people argue things as facts when they don't know what they are talking about.
Assuming this comment was made about the free throw shooting debate. That is a topic that unless you know exactly what it takes to be a good free throw shooter, (ie: experienced what it takes) than in my opinion just stating that "they need to practice more" is an irrational argument. Sorry if I offended you in any way, but its a major pet peeve of mine when people argue things as facts when they don't know what they are talking about.

Welcome to message boards! ha
Just because you practice free throws and make them in practice, doesn't mean you will make them in games.

It is all psychological. I'd bring in a sports psychologist to talk to the team.
Assuming this comment was made about the free throw shooting debate. That is a topic that unless you know exactly what it takes to be a good free throw shooter, (ie: experienced what it takes) than in my opinion just stating that "they need to practice more" is an irrational argument. Sorry if I offended you in any way, but its a major pet peeve of mine when people argue things as facts when they don't know what they are talking about.

Correct. I would like to agree with you. However for the whole team to mentally be incapable of shooting free throws cause they are all in the 50-60% range except Deonte I believe seems a little far fetched. Things can be done to improve free throw shooting.

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