Crosstown shootout


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Btown Bearcat

Well-known member
Nov 15, 2010
I know this subject has been beatin over head but now with a little time passing how does everyone feel about keeping the cross town shootout going no changes no breaks? Its ovly more important for Xavier to keep crosstown shootout going. It would be sad day to see game end but it might actually be a good thing for uc exp now that x and uc are recruiting same kind of kids. its same situation as uc osu. if osu beats uc there supposed to if uc beats osu thats bad for osu. its only win win for one school. I dont think X would be who they are today without the shootout upsets of uc i really dont. had write this quick hope it made sense. I for one would like to keep it going. The fight was bad bla bla but now this will be one of the biggest games of year in college basketball because of it not just in cincinnati. not to mention it was even losing its luster in city and now that x is moving up the ranks it can only get better imo
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I would be perfectly OK to cancel the series if we have a suitable replacement.

For me to consider the replacement worthy they would have to bring a top 40 RPI and be able to sell out 5/3.

That is what X brings to us. Again, I do not like the direction of the rivalry and havent for years but I dont want to get rid of it just to do it.
I'm unsure if it should continue. Not because of what happened but because I'm sick of the media pretending to take the high road while benefiting substantially at exploiting both schools. Their fake outrage was so transparent

The media loved the fight. Its the one of the best things to happen for them this year. ESPN, CBS Sports, 700wlw, Enquirer, WKRC, WCPO, Fox19, WLWT, and everyone else rambled on about it for months seemingly nonstop. Ratings went up and tons of revenue was made at UC and Xavier's expense. My favorite was Doc.

Doc before the shootout
"Its dull. It needs to be revived"

Doc after the shootout
"What a horrible embarrassment to college basketball"....then he goes on to write about it and talk about it to national outlets for months.

ESPN is so outraged by the events that they replayed it literally every time UC or Xavier was on any of the ESPN channels. Every announcer commented on the fight at least once every game. The amount of hypocrisy is/was absurd. Now ESPN will want to make it a primetime game next year when it should have been all along.
I know this subject has been beatin over head but now with a little time passing how does everyone feel about keeping the cross town shootout going no changes no breaks? Its ovly more important for Xavier to keep crosstown shootout going. It would be sad day to see game end but it might actually be a good thing for uc exp now that x and uc are recruiting same kind of kids. its same situation as uc osu. if osu beats uc there supposed to if uc beats osu thats bad for osu. its only win win for one school. I dont think X would be who they are today without the shootout upsets of uc i really dont. had write this quick hope it made sense. I for one would like to keep it going. The fight was bad bla bla but now this will be one of the biggest games of year in college basketball because of it not just in cincinnati. not to mention it was even losing its luster in city and now that x is moving up the ranks it can only get better imo

Are you serious? No way you are older than 10.
I'm unsure if it should continue. Not because of what happened but because I'm sick of the media pretending to take the high road while benefiting substantially at exploiting both schools. Their fake outrage was so transparent

The media loved the fight. Its the one of the best things to happen for them this year. ESPN, CBS Sports, 700wlw, Enquirer, WKRC, WCPO, Fox19, WLWT, and everyone else rambled on about it for months seemingly nonstop. Ratings went up and tons of revenue was made at UC and Xavier's expense. My favorite was Doc.

Doc before the shootout
"Its dull. It needs to be revived"

Doc after the shootout
"What a horrible embarrassment to college basketball"....then he goes on to write about it and talk about it to national outlets for months.

ESPN is so outraged by the events that they replayed it literally every time UC or Xavier was on any of the ESPN channels. Every announcer commented on the fight at least once every game. The amount of hypocrisy is/was absurd. Now ESPN will want to make it a primetime game next year when it should have been all along.

I agree with everything except being sure it should continue. It was a bad incident but the level of hypocrisy is ridiculous. Anyone who has ever watched a hockey game and enjoyed the fights in it or anyone who never called for two baseball teams to end the careers or the seasons of players involved in fights is a hypocrite if they believe this was as bad as they were making it out to be or that Gates or others should have been kicked out of school. What gets me is all the high morals everyone seems to have when something like this happens. It was a fight, emotions got too high and players reacted poorly. Was it wrong? Yes. Would anyone of us if on that UC bench that day have reacted the same way? Probably. Not everyone reacted with fists and not everyone of us would, but some of us would and some of the analysts would have also. What gets me is nobody outside of Cronin gave any blame to the officials in this incident. Tu Holloway was chirping all the way up the court before the incident, so much so the announcers commented on it and yet it seems to slide in the eyes of these high moral analysts. I've never seen such a display of taunting in my life be allowed. Ever. The officials were a joke and no one got reprimanded for it. The issue is plain and simple "black kids fighting black kids and that's how thugs act and how can we as good high moral white folk allow such a display." If these were white players and this were baseball we aren't having this discussion. If this were hockey, Gates would have gotten five minutes in the penalty box, then labeled as a good enforcer for his team.

As far as the series continuing I see no reason it won't. And yeah ESPN will have it on at a very prime time next year for sure. This was a bad incident. Get better officials who won't allow this kind of thing to happen and get the universities to contol the student sections and there will be no issues. I used to complain about the close calls in the years past in this game, but now it all makes sense, you can't let players get out of control. College basketball is about making money and this game is a gold mine. Neither university has any interest in cancelling it. Nor does Mick Cronin. Mick wants Xavier to address the issues of the student section and Mack to control his team's behavior. When he says "I don't know if the series should continue," this is what he means. He wants the game because it's good for both schools. It's a free game vs. a good opponent and it makes money. And it brings together a fanbase which only helps a program.
I agree with everything except being sure it should continue. It was a bad incident but the level of hypocrisy is ridiculous. Anyone who has ever watched a hockey game and enjoyed the fights in it or anyone who never called for two baseball teams to end the careers or the seasons of players involved in fights is a hypocrite if they believe this was as bad as they were making it out to be or that Gates or others should have been kicked out of school. What gets me is all the high morals everyone seems to have when something like this happens. It was a fight, emotions got too high and players reacted poorly. Was it wrong? Yes. Would anyone of us if on that UC bench that day have reacted the same way? Probably. Not everyone reacted with fists and not everyone of us would, but some of us would and some of the analysts would have also. What gets me is nobody outside of Cronin gave any blame to the officials in this incident. Tu Holloway was chirping all the way up the court before the incident, so much so the announcers commented on it and yet it seems to slide in the eyes of these high moral analysts. I've never seen such a display of taunting in my life be allowed. Ever. The officials were a joke and no one got reprimanded for it. The issue is plain and simple "black kids fighting black kids and that's how thugs act and how can we as good high moral white folk allow such a display." If these were white players and this were baseball we aren't having this discussion. If this were hockey, Gates would have gotten five minutes in the penalty box, then labeled as a good enforcer for his team.

As far as the series continuing I see no reason it won't. And yeah ESPN will have it on at a very prime time next year for sure. This was a bad incident. Get better officials who won't allow this kind of thing to happen and get the universities to contol the student sections and there will be no issues. I used to complain about the close calls in the years past in this game, but now it all makes sense, you can't let players get out of control. College basketball is about making money and this game is a gold mine. Neither university has any interest in cancelling it. Nor does Mick Cronin. Mick wants Xavier to address the issues of the student section and Mack to control his team's behavior. When he says "I don't know if the series should continue," this is what he means. He wants the game because it's good for both schools. It's a free game vs. a good opponent and it makes money. And it brings together a fanbase which only helps a program.

Best post I've read in a while on this board. I totally agree that this game will be played no matter what anyone here or anywhere else thinks. Just can't drop a guaranteed sellout game, but you have to exercise better control. That being said, it really doesn't bother me if they play it or not since I don't live in Cincy. It's just another game for me, against a top 25 team usually. So if they substitute with another top 25, I'm okay with that also.

I definitely like what you said about the officials, 100% true. Most definitely the officials didn't have any control of the game. From what I understand, the A-10 provided the officials and didn't consult UC; and the officials had no experience doing that game. Probably not common, but for this game, I think both sides need to sign off on the officials. As an official myself (at the HS level), I couldn't imagine not doing anything with all the trash talking on. Lessons learned, I'm sure there probably won't be any incidents this year. Although, I'm more concerned about the return trip to Cintas. I really doubt X will do a damn thing to prevent their fans from acting like ***** like they did this past year. We'll see. Wouldn't bother me at all to at least give it a couple year break.
The Xavier administration cannot control the crowd at Cintas. Their basketball team is a locker room full of gangstas.

I doubt that UC will ever again play at Cintas.
Screw Xavier they make me vomit. Short and sweet, I don't care what we do with them and I sure won't lose any sleep if we don't play them. Did anyone notice the last 2-3 months of basketball all of the local media was on uc and no one gave two ***** about x. Even the NCAA coverage was all uc. X will always be second string.
Screw Xavier they make me vomit. Short and sweet, I don't care what we do with them and I sure won't lose any sleep if we don't play them. Did anyone notice the last 2-3 months of basketball all of the local media was on uc and no one gave two ***** about x. Even the NCAA coverage was all uc. X will always be second string.

Actually, the national media focused on Xavier more in the NCAA tournament. Multiple times saying how impressive 4 of 5 sweet 16's and only three other schools accomplishing that in the past 5 seasons.

For the past 5-8 years it has been a lose lose for Xavier, I am fine with the series stopping. Am I shocked UC fans want it to end after a 23 point loss? No.
Actually, the national media focused on Xavier more in the NCAA tournament. Multiple times saying how impressive 4 of 5 sweet 16's and only three other schools accomplishing that in the past 5 seasons.

For the past 5-8 years it has been a lose lose for Xavier, I am fine with the series stopping. Am I shocked UC fans want it to end after a 23 point loss? No.

The X basketball program is morally bankrupt. Not one of their current 4 person recruiting class had the brains to get NCAA minimum test scores in high school. More than likely 2 or 3 will not be able to get NCAA minimum scores out of prep school. XU is now seen nationally as nothing more than a locker room full of gangstas.
Actually, the national media focused on Xavier more in the NCAA tournament. Multiple times saying how impressive 4 of 5 sweet 16's and only three other schools accomplishing that in the past 5 seasons.

For the past 5-8 years it has been a lose lose for Xavier, I am fine with the series stopping. Am I shocked UC fans want it to end after a 23 point loss? No.

Chris Mack has let the inmates take control of the asylum, they will probably continue to win, but that program as flown off the hinges. Oh and the loss isn't why people want the series to end, it is the terribly unsafe environment at the Cintas. Cincinnati won by 20 the year before, and there was no issues of taunting or completely ridiculous acts by the fans or players.
Actually, the national media focused on Xavier more in the NCAA tournament. Multiple times saying how impressive 4 of 5 sweet 16's and only three other schools accomplishing that in the past 5 seasons.

For the past 5-8 years it has been a lose lose for Xavier, I am fine with the series stopping. Am I shocked UC fans want it to end after a 23 point loss? No.

Haha wow. Don't hurt yourself as you step off that high horse.
Chris Mack has let the inmates take control of the asylum, they will probably continue to win, but that program as flown off the hinges. Oh and the loss isn't why people want the series to end, it is the terribly unsafe environment at the Cintas. Cincinnati won by 20 the year before, and there was no issues of taunting or completely ridiculous acts by the fans or players.

Exactly, because Xavier players know how to take a loss in a tough environment. This years crosstown shootout was literally the first NCAA college game I've ever watched that the refs layed down the mercy rule and ended the game.

Xavier mercy ruled UC this past year, no wonder Cronin wants it to end.
Exactly, because Xavier players know how to take a loss in a tough environment. This years crosstown shootout was literally the first NCAA college game I've ever watched that the refs layed down the mercy rule and ended the game.

Xavier mercy ruled UC this past year, no wonder Cronin wants it to end.
Your ignorance is ridiculous. You can't honestly think that.stop trying to be skip bayless and say **** to get a rise.
Exactly, because Xavier players know how to take a loss in a tough environment. This years crosstown shootout was literally the first NCAA college game I've ever watched that the refs layed down the mercy rule and ended the game.

Xavier mercy ruled UC this past year, no wonder Cronin wants it to end.

Xavier players know how to take a loss in a tough environment?? I actually laughed out loud when I read that. How about when Tu and his gangsta buddies ripped a water fountain off the wall after losing at butler??

Xavier responds beautifully again though: No apology, no offer to pay, just Chris Mack saying after the game that Tu was an emotional kid. What a joke.

Next time you make a typical, smug Xavier argument, at least choose one that isn't laughable.
Remember guys ESPN makes alot of money because of the shootout. IT WONT END. Can you imagine how many times they are going to show the fight during the game next year. After every tv timeout
Remember guys ESPN makes alot of money because of the shootout. IT WONT END. Can you imagine how many times they are going to show the fight during the game next year. After every tv timeout

Agreed, the fight just fueled the fire for me, every one knows that cincy is back in business now, they are in the big east/ xavier is in the A10. plain and simple...... when kids get out of high school they arn't saying woah i want to play in the Atlantic 10.... what a joke. Cincy is going to pass xavier as the best team in cincy again without question, the only way xavier has a chance to keep up with us is if they also join the big east.... IMO that would be awsome.
The X basketball program is morally bankrupt. Not one of their current 4 person recruiting class had the brains to get NCAA minimum test scores in high school. More than likely 2 or 3 will not be able to get NCAA minimum scores out of prep school. XU is now seen nationally as nothing more than a locker room full of gangstas.

You called Xavier a mid-major. "Only Mid-Majors hang banners for sweet 16's"

You called UC a low-major. "UC hangs banners for tournament appearances"

You showed nothing but respect for Xavier after doing that, and I appreciate it- knowing how hard it is for you.

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