'10 CA PG Deonte Burton (Nevada Verbal)


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Wow. We haven't heard anything one way or the other yet. All we're hearing is still that he's going to announce at the all-star game.

If true, this isn't what I expected. Best of luck to you guys, and again, thanks to the vast majority of you for the respect you've shown Nevada. I will definitely pay more attention to Cincinnati because of the class you've shown toward Nevada through Deonte's decision.

Thank you for coming over and giving your insights on Deonte.

Feel free to update this thread next season and let us know how he is doing. Thanks again.
If true, and it seems to be, I am dissapointed. I was really hoping Burton would be a Bearcat. I certainly understand the draw of Nevada (playing time, close to home), but I think this should serve as a bit of a reality check for some Bearcat fans. 17 and 18 year olds don't care about a final four appearance the year they were born and championships won several years before their parents were born. Even Kenyon's team was 10 years ago now. We need to start creating a modern day history for our basketball program.
Another kid chooses somewhere else...

I really felt like this season was important for recruiting. Looks like these kids felt the sameway.

Mick better pull a rabbit out of his hat and fast.
Was really hoping Deonte would want to be a 'Cat... it sounds like maybe in the end the distance was too large a factor... Good luck to him at Nevada.
I thought he was coming as well, so no worries there. It's a bummer. Wonder if Gina has anything to add on this..
sorry guys but let it be known that you gave nevada a run for their money. deonte is a little upset because he liked you guys also and because he had to face your coach at the same time. he made his decision on his own he didn't even tell us. in the long run it was nice chatting with you all and i made a few friends. take care and best of luck to everyone. by the way i, myself am a howard bison from somewhere in the 80's. Thanks for all your support, help, care and concern.
Disappointing to say the least. My hunch told me he was coming here. To say it is embarrassing to lose out to a mid major isn't really fair. The truth is Nevada has a lot to offer Burton. A starting spot and proximity to home. Plus lets be honest they have had better success than we have had recently. I know at least they've been to the tourney. A better conference is one thing but success in that conference is another. Kids want to win. And if he has desires to make it to the NBA then Nevada will give him just as good an opportunity as we could've. He could be the man (potentially at least) of that school and possibly that conference. That's alot harder to do here. I wish him all the best. Wish he would've been a Bearcat.
sorry guys but let it be known that you gave nevada a run for their money. deonte is a little upset because he liked you guys also and because he had to face your coach at the same time. he made his decision on his own he didn't even tell us. in the long run it was nice chatting with you all and i made a few friends. take care and best of luck to everyone. by the way i, myself am a howard bison from somewhere in the 80's. Thanks for all your support, help, care and concern.

thanks for all your info, wish him well from us Bearcat fans
Just received an e-mail from an associate at the Reno Gazette-Journal, and he confirms it is a done deal for Nevada.
Damn Gina! (Martin Lawrence reference)

This sucks. We have other guys that can certainly develop into spot-up shooters, but I felt Deonte was ready to take that role on right now. And that's the most serious hole in our team. Either Davis, Bishop, or Dixon better step it up now!

No offense but please Gosh dont let us have to rely on Davis, Bishop, or dixon for spot up shooting much less any type of scoring. I really hate to down a player but these three couldnt start on my daughters 1st grade team Davis is the only player ive seen have that smurky little smile when hes missing every shot he throws up. I really think myself and everyone on this board could of hit atleast 1 more 3 pt shot than he did. Sorry Davis gotta go!!!!
One, the last time TheLivingLegend shot around. 100 threes where shot, 69 where made. Larry Davis would make 26 on a good day. (yes i just referred to myself in third person, btw the goal is 75 out of 100... yes GreatOne was a witness, no he didnt match it)

Two, people on this sight need to stop saying so and so is a lock, when in all actuality there everything but.

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