We are spiraling a bit out of control here. Just going in circles. Let me try to summarize where most people fit so we can get out of this tailspin. In my view, there are 3 main camps.
1. Wants Mick to stay because they think he is the right man for the job.
2. Wants Mick to leave because they don't think he is the right man for the job.
3. Wants the program to be successful requiring changes to happen to facilities, etc.
I think most people, myself included, fall into number 3. If that means Mick is the coach to take us there, great. However, I think most of us can agree the status quo in terms of facilities, charter flights, etc is not going to cut it no matter who the coach is. If this situation with Mick is a means to get those things, then I support it wholeheartedly! If it's a play to just make more money (which I still don't think it is but no one but those directly involved know), no thanks, enjoy UNLV.
Anyone think this is not a fair assessment of this entire situation without rehashing everything all over again?