Add in that there are natural anxiety periods that occur in life.
You find that a lot of people experience anxiety and panic disorders during transitional periods from adolescent to now young adult (18-22) and then later in their 30’s and 40’s.
Speaking from personal experience, I was 19. Work was extremely slow so I had multiple off days. I lived alone in my apartment and started getting this overwhelming bout of panic . It last a week. I lost 10 pounds and didn’t sleep for 5 straight days, which on day 3 included a hospital trip and anti histamine injection to help me sleep. It didn’t work. I was at the edge and the down time made it worse.
And if I had to guess it’s the downtime that’s killing DJD. You can’t get out of your own head if your constantly living in it with nothing to do, idle mind is anxiety’s playground.
Thankfully that experience taught me how to cope with anxiety.
Also I smoked some weed and it broke me out of the rut becayse it made me eat and sleep.