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I think Caupain is emerging. As someone mentioned, he started 7-11 from the floor but yet again logged 36 minutes and couldn't be as good down the stretch.

I think he's played fantastic this year. 21st in the country in assist to turnover...last year he wasn't even in the top 150.

He's averaged 6 points in our blowouts and 15 points in the closer games and losses. His stats are not padded by the cupcakes because he was unselfish.

He needs a little help though. We need one more guy to step up and play big in big games
I think he's played fantastic this year. 21st in the country in assist to turnover...last year he wasn't even in the top 150.

He's averaged 6 points in our blowouts and 15 points in the closer games and losses. His stats are not padded by the cupcakes because he was unselfish.

He needs a little help though. We need one more guy to step up and play big in big games
As the season goes on hopefully that is Evans
We've lost 3 games this season where we scored 70+ points in regulation. In the last 5 years we had only lost 1 such game.

Who is everyone?
Jake I could be overstating but all year long the discussion has been about offense. The fact is we stink defensively. A big question in my mind as a fan of the show time Lakers is would I rather win 52-46 or lose 78-76. My preference is to play up tempo because I agree with L-T on this occasion that style does appeal to a certain recruit. But it has come with a price. I want Mick to stick with the system and I want the players to dig down and play some defense.
Jake I could be overstating but all year long the discussion has been about offense. The fact is we stink defensively. A big question in my mind as a fan of the show time Lakers is would I rather win 52-46 or lose 78-76. My preference is to play up tempo because I agree with L-T on this occasion that style does appeal to a certain recruit. But it has come with a price. I want Mick to stick with the system and I want the players to dig down and play some defense.

This Temple better be the wake up call.
I think Caupain is emerging. As someone mentioned, he started 7-11 from the floor but yet again logged 36 minutes and couldn't be as good down the stretch.

Troy is great player, hands down best player on our team...does a lot more for this team than people on here give him credit. With that I still think he could attack more he's got great size for a point. I like the pick and roll up top but I'd like to see Troy spit the defense after the pick occasionally. You'll see lebron do this very effectively even sk mastered this (not comparing the two at all), what I mean Is say Ellis sets the screen on his right side, attack the right side hard and forward and then cross the big back to left splitting the two guys then look for the open three or the layup. This will keep the guy switching on to him honest allowing the options for his pullup( which he is very good at) or the hesitation dribble and then explode by him to the right for the lay in cuz he will be worried about the split.
It's long, so be patient.

It looks like Shaq is UP to 40% this year from three. He's making good decisions at worst (if he is a bad shooter). Maybe he should shoot more??

Maybe your facts that you used in the past need to be checked as well. Shaq is up to 36% based on what I see. Where do you get 40%?

33% has always been viewed as a good % for a three point shooter, essentially equivalent to being a 50% shooter from two.

By who? 33% is not good. It's not horrible, but it's not good.

Also his passing...he's 3rd on the team compared to the point guards in assists. That's right...next to PG's he's the best in assists.

He's also second in turnovers. So he is 3rd in assists and 2nd in turnovers. See how you like to manipulate stats to make an argument? Funny how you didn't mention this.

Subpar defender is inaccurate...he gets subbed all the time for D only. Horrible passer is also inaccurate (assists are up). Looks like he's about to have a spasm is actually accurate. Turnovers could be better but not worse than last year. Rebounding is not bad up from last year. Shooting is MUCH better than last year!

Do you have stats to defend your substitution and passer argument or are you just going off of the eye test? And assists (even if you try to say 1.4/game is great) doesn't definitively tell whether someone is a good passer or not. His passing is not good at all. I'm astonished that you or anyone else for that matter can think he is a good passer. A great example is when he just threw the ball out of bounds when trying to get it into Ellis. I can't think of one example where I've said to myself "great pass Shaq" but I watch him struggle constantly to find the open man or to make a good entry pass.

EVERY WAY POSSIBLE...WORSE??? What "eye test" are we using?

Where did I say he was worse in every way possible? I said he has been a disappointment in every way possible. Who here thought this is what we'd get from a 5th year Shaq when he committed out of high school? If you say he is what you expected than you are flat out lying.

Technically, if Shaq is 2-2, and takes a third shot, he is no more likely to miss the third because of the result of the first two. Each shot is its own independent event. Statistics, folks.

Why do you say "technically"? ps - you don't need to answer, I already know why. And I know how stats work.

I'm not sure the best question is what does someone do well but what can others do better. He plays D...he rebounds ok...he shoots ok this year...he's assisting well this year.

I'm not saying he's the answer but he's not the biggest problem by far.

So who is in your opinion?

what do your stats say about his spacing on offense, how often his man dribbles by him on defense or he doesn't close out quick enough on the corner 3? What do the stats say about his pounding the ball into the ground when he gets it instead of moving the ball? Serious question that I'd like you to answer.
KJ catches a bunch of flack and with his TO's rightfully so but my biggest disappointment has been Ellis. With his size,length and athleticism I really expected a beast this year. His defense has been spotty,his foot work is still bad and from 8-10 feet he is a non factor. I see very little fire in his play. He looks disinterested at times. Am I over reacting???
KJ catches a bunch of flack and with his TO's rightfully so but my biggest disappointment has been Ellis. With his size,length and athleticism I really expected a beast this year. His defense has been spotty,his foot work is still bad and from 8-10 feet he is a non factor. I see very little fire in his play. He looks disinterested at times. Am I over reacting???

No. I would say that's accurate. Honestly I don't see much of any improvement from returning players. One thing is for sure, the players body language is horrible too. They just don't even look like they give a ****.
No. I would say that's accurate. Honestly I don't see much of any improvement from returning players. One thing is for sure, the players body language is horrible too. They just don't even look like they give a ****.

If they want motivation, they should look at Palm's latest Bracketology. UC among the first four OUT.

Defense consists mostly of intensity and effort. This group shows neither.
No. I would say that's accurate. Honestly I don't see much of any improvement from returning players. One thing is for sure, the players body language is horrible too. They just don't even look like they give a ****.
our numbers offensively have improved. Our defense and board work have been horrible. Wish I was a fly on the locker room wall. Would love to know what the players are saying amongst themselves when defensive breakdowns are leaving guys wide open or lanes to the rim. With the breakdowns attributed to help defense I wonder if there is some finger pointing going on. I can tell you when I competed even in a pick up game if a guy was getting lit up I had know problem mentioning it.

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