What I am hearing: Conference Realignment


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BEARCATLAIR.com report: The Big 12 wants to expand to 14 teams. Plans could change if WVU does not commit. WVU is keeping the Big 12 at bay as they chase an SEC offer. If WVU does not make a decision soon the Big 12 is ready to leave them holding no offer from anyone. Without WVU, the Big 12 would expand to 12 teams and the three schools that are in look to be BYU, Louisville, and Cincinnati. If WVU comes on board then TCU makes 14…

BEARCATLAIR.com report: The Big 12 wants to expand to 14 teams. Plans could change if WVU does not commit. WVU is keeping the Big 12 at bay as they chase an SEC offer. If WVU does not make a decision soon the Big 12 is ready to leave them holding no offer from anyone. Without WVU, the Big 12 would expand to 12 teams and the three schools that are in look to be BYU, Louisville, and Cincinnati. If WVU comes on board then TCU makes 14…


Don't buy it. All indications point to Texas and Oklahoma pushing for just 10 teams, can't see them changing their minds from 10 to 14...
Don't buy it. All indications point to Texas and Oklahoma pushing for just 10 teams, can't see them changing their minds from 10 to 14...

Where there is smoke there is fire. I don't think this is a done deal by any means but this is not the first time that UC and UL have been connected to a possible Big 12 expansion. OU and Texas might not have a choice in the matter. They could very well be out-voted. Keep in mind that this would probably not go into effect for a couple years and it probably won't happen until the Big 12 TV contract is up or close to it. I don't know when that is but I will try to find out.

Edit: I looked up the terms of the agreement and it is a bit cryptic. The deal with Fox was just signed last year and is for 13 years starting next year. There is nothing that talks about an out clause or a renegotiation but the agreement contains language that states the deal will pay each of the schools "at the highest level throughout the term of the agreement." That sounds conveniently ambiguous. Not sure if this will impact expansion or not but it is interesting nonetheless.
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The presidents of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State have said they are most comfortable if the league gets back to 12 members, while Texas athletic director DeLoss Dodds advocated 10. Neinas said there was even some sentiment for staying at nine.


No mention of UC in the article but not surprised considering it is ESPN. They make no bones about their agenda in this whole conference realignment thing and quite frankly, it is embarrassing.
UC will stay in the Big East as will U of L.

The Big 12 will stay at 10. TV revenue splits better 10 ways than 12 or 14.
From Bill Koch:

As the conference realignment puzzle continues to sort itself out, I hear from what I consider to be a reliable source that UC is one of five schools the Big 12 is examining as a possible expansion candidate. Assuming that’s true, what it means is anybody’s guess. UC’s preference continues to be that the Big East finds a way to stabilize so the Bearcats can stay put along with Louisville, USF and West Virginia. UC president Gregory Williams and interim athletic director Bob Arkeilpane have been very adamant about that being their first choice. But it’s hard to imagine, in this age of every man for himself, that if the Big 12 came knocking, UC wouldn’t answer the door. But that’s still a big if. UC has plenty of things to offer from a sizable TV market to a football program that has had a lot of success in recent years, but it would have to dramatically increase the amount of money it spends on football to compete successfuly in the Big 12. That may be one reason why Williams and Arkeilpane are hoping the Big East finds a way to make things work. The Big East presidents are scheduled to meet Sunday in Washington without the ADs.

What Koch is saying is what I am saying except Koch's opinion is UC would accept a Big 12 invite and I say UC will not.
From Bill Koch:

As the conference realignment puzzle continues to sort itself out, I hear from what I consider to be a reliable source that UC is one of five schools the Big 12 is examining as a possible expansion candidate. Assuming that’s true, what it means is anybody’s guess. UC’s preference continues to be that the Big East finds a way to stabilize so the Bearcats can stay put along with Louisville, USF and West Virginia. UC president Gregory Williams and interim athletic director Bob Arkeilpane have been very adamant about that being their first choice. But it’s hard to imagine, in this age of every man for himself, that if the Big 12 came knocking, UC wouldn’t answer the door. But that’s still a big if. UC has plenty of things to offer from a sizable TV market to a football program that has had a lot of success in recent years, but it would have to dramatically increase the amount of money it spends on football to compete successfuly in the Big 12. That may be one reason why Williams and Arkeilpane are hoping the Big East finds a way to make things work. The Big East presidents are scheduled to meet Sunday in Washington without the ADs.


Joining the Big 12 would dramatically increase the revenue with its new TV deal, thus more money to spend on the football program...seems like a stupid point to make against joining the Big 12
Joining the Big 12 would dramatically increase the revenue with its new TV deal, thus more money to spend on the football program...seems like a stupid point to make against joining the Big 12

The Big East makes far more sense for UC. The teams that leave will be replaced by teams from major TV markets UCF (Orlando) Florida International (Miami) Navy (Baltimore). More TV sets = more $$$.
Ralph your delusional. A watered down BEast is not the best thing for UC. To compete you have to have revenue from both major sports and television. A watered down Big East will not get the t.v. contracts this program needs. As a program on the rise in both sports UC needs exposure. the best thing that could happen to UC would be the Big 12 expanding and going to west and east divisions. Notre Dame could help the Big East tremendously by joining in football but that probably isn't going to happen.

This is a time where this university has to look out for it's best interest. If things stay intact as is with Marquette, Louisville, UC, Villanova, St. Johns, and Notre Dame, basketball will be strong but the football will remain suspect. Things are trending to football t.v. contracts. You have to ride the wave or get left behind. The FACT is UC has been speaking to the Big 12 for several weeks. they have agressively, not passively, been looking at options in light of the deterioration of the Big East. That is an undisputable fact. How it shakes out is yet to be seen but to say it is out of the question for UC to join the Big 12 is absolutely false.
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Jeff is right on this. UC is only going to publicly make statements saying they want to remain in the Big East if at all possible. The reality is that UC will do what is best for them. If the Big East can stay viable in football and realistically maintain it's AQ status, then that would be best. If you are resting your hopes on UCF or Florida International (you were joking about that, right?) because of a television market, you are crazy. Temple could make sense. They are a program that is on the rise and just beat down Maryland on the road. The service acadamies really don't do much as far as I am concerned. If the best offer for UC is to go to the Big 12, they will go. If that is not the best situation or if the offer doesn't present itself, they won't. To say anything other than that is dilusional.
I still think there is a good chance that UC will wind up in the Big12 although I'm not as confident in it as I was last week. I hope the Big12 will send us an invite and we would obviously accept it they did. (why even argue with Ralph about this?)

We would still get the chance to play in one of the best basketball conferences in the country and I think our football team would only get better. Think about what the jump from C-USA to BEAST did for football. I can only imagine the jump from BEAST to Big-12 would help is to continue to develop our program.

The only downside I see is that the remaining BEAST non-football schools would develop a basketball conference that would most likely include Xavier. As a UC fan I would hate to not be able to use the "you play in the A-10" defense anymore.
I just feel like the more this situation drags out the less likely it becomes that we will get an opportunity to join the B-12. If the B-12 does look to expand I still don't believe they have any better options than a UC, UL, and WVU combo. I feel there is no chance that UC gets left out in the cold on re-alignment but I really don't like the idea of staying in the Big East when everyone is looking for the next best option.
I just feel like the more this situation drags out the less likely it becomes that we will get an opportunity to join the B-12. If the B-12 does look to expand I still don't believe they have any better options than a UC, UL, and WVU combo. I feel there is no chance that UC gets left out in the cold on re-alignment but I really don't like the idea of staying in the Big East when everyone is looking for the next best option.

UC , U of L, and WVU will reject any and all invitations to join the Big 12 as long as the Big East is a BCS AQ Conference. The Big 12 would be a geographic nightmare for UC, UofL, and WVU.
Missouri Curators have given Missouri the ability to look at the SEC and make a move. Also from several websites Missouri Chancellor Deaton has stepped down from his Big 12 chair. Looks like they are leaving to me.
Missouri Curators have given Missouri the ability to look at the SEC and make a move. Also from several websites Missouri Chancellor Deaton has stepped down from his Big 12 chair. Looks like they are leaving to me.

Which means absolutely nothing to UC or UofL unless Missouri or Kansas or Kansas State etc. want to leave the Big 12 to join the Big East.

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