chill out with the insults towards chad. he has a job that he does well. if some of you dont think his site is worth it- that is fine. you have every right not to subscribe and no one cares if you do or dont.
he has a job and he is trying to build his brand. he is the only person who breaks uc information and has every right to ask to be credited when he does.
I couldn't care less what he does over at his site. He posted info to the public. Should have it been credited? Probably. But it isn't illegal and him making a tweet and then going to all the different sites to make sure he gets the credit is sad. Non subscribers don't give a crap about the brand he is trying to build.
And I also didn't see him ask to be credited for his stuff. If he did actually ask instead of going on to other sites and acting like a d-bag than he probably would be credited more often.
So how did his visit go????????
I want this kid more than I've wanted a player since lance stephonson was recruited.
If you care that much, you should subscribe to BCL. Way more inside info than anywhere else.
I'll take a shot at it....
He really enjoyed his visit. He liked the coaching staff and players. He liked the style of play and thinks he would fit in nicely. He hopes to make a decision in the near future.
I think that about sums up 95% of any visit by any player to any school.
Please credit me and my lack of investigative journalism when this becomes fact.![]()
I'm seeing on Twitter that Bearcat Report (Andrew Force) has obtained new information concerning Morman leaning to one school. I'm not a member and can't afford to join, right now. Anyone have any more details?
I'm not sure if this type of request is frowned upon, or not. So, I apologize if it is.
Alex Kline@TheRecruitScoop
Cincinnati lands a commitment from 2013 Faith Baptist (FL) SG Deshaun Morman, his coach says.
How cool!