I think your right Jeff. Trying to look at this rationally. I really think UNLV is a long shot. Savino has lots of ties in NJ and has been recruiting Jermaine for quite awhile. Obviously he has done a good job or we wouldn't have gotten this much consideration. Jermaine is very familiar what SJ's has to offer. He has visited us and UNLV. Being local to SJ's as mentioned he is more than familiar with them. From everything I've read he sounds like a kid much more mature then to drag this on for the attention. In my mind he has enough information to make his decision. I think he has committed to SJ's that he will visit and will honor that commitment. If the decision was SJ'S he could announce right now. I think he is a UC lean and is giving his hometown team one last shot to make their pitch. I especially think this considering the local pressure he most be getting to go there. The second thought I have is he is waiting to see how the season is developing so he can have as much time to see who he may be playing with next year and who may be leaving early. All of which will effect playing time and practice competition. He certainly has enough info to decide. My perdition is UC is leading and we end up with Jermaine.