Seriously people, how can you complain about everything. One day you say we don't have any shooters and we can't shoot from outside. Then we shoot around 38% from three on the year so far and now we shoot it too much or don't bang it down low? We have 5 (yes 5!) guys shooting 38% or better from downtown. Those three's were good shots with the players being open. Our two starting big's are averaging 20 points combined so they still get the ball down low.
And whats with the statement
"they were open for a reason." Are you assuming they were open because the other team thinks they can't shoot? Were open because we have been moving the ball pretty well on offense. The whole point is to get open shots! And how do those teams feel now that we shot the $hit out of them. Wasn't a good idea to leave them open huh! Sorry for the rant, but people need to shut the hell up and enjoy the basketball that this team is playing.