Guys this website has the most negative people in America. It is absolutely ridiculous! Don't you think our recruits now and future recruits read this website. Would you guys want to come here if you were one of them. You guys attack our players, league, coach, facilities, style of play..... it goes on and on. I'm not saying we shouldn't be a little critical but remember guys we are Bearcat fans and as fans we should make an attempt to look at things in a positive light. I have been a Bearcat fan since I can remember (like 1970). At 8 years old I had my scorebook and I would listen on the radio and keep score. Lloyd Batts filled up my scorebook. Seldom was there a game on TV. Please appreciate and love our Bearcats first and foremost. Moderators please don't kick me off.
Go Bearcats!
Fan for 36 years!
Never not a fan for a second!