Egg-Xavier loses to Pacific 70-67


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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2012
Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess they realize how we felt a few years ago. They got out-rebounded 28-14, maybe they need Adam Harichinuk (sp?), LOL!
They are the worst mos disgusting filthy dirty corrupt bball team and school to ever play the game

Uc will beat those losers by 40 and sen them to division 2 where they belong

What a horrible truly terrible program from the president on down.
They are the worst mos disgusting filthy dirty corrupt bball team and school to ever play the game

Uc will beat those losers by 40 and sen them to division 2 where they belong

What a horrible truly terrible program from the president on down.

Yup, in that great conference, the Average 10. Hope they continue to suck
It's not even in the same universe as UC was in when Mick started.

They got a white guy from NKU as their starting power forward. That's pretty bad! I know UC had way less, but they are definitely getting a taste of their own medicine this year!
A old wise man once said, Root for your team not against the opposition. Nothing breeds bad karma like dising others.
The obsession with Xavier on this board is pathetic.

I disagree.

I always hated Xavier. But after the disgusting way their fans, coaches, and any X representative have arrogantly behaved since UC got the Zimpher/Huggins death penalty, I've lost complete respect for anything Xavier related. And throw in the brawl last year, you can imagine that my hate runs deep.

Talk about a group of fans that thinks their program walks on water and is better than everyone else.

If karma really is a bitch, they have alot of negative things coming back to them for the way they've behaved.
Worst team and program in the history of sports. Rotten to the core and a complete lack of morals.

Uc will beat those losers by forty and send those horrible fans home crying
A old wise man once said, Root for your team not against the opposition. Nothing breeds bad karma like dising others.

And that old wise man is dead and I'm alive! Your point? Come live in Norwood for a while and try to be a UC fan! I've had my UC flag stolen, been made fun of many times,etc. I don't believe in karma-if karma was real, Coach Cal would be out of basketball for all the cheating he's done.