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I did not see the last sentence, my apologies. I really think you are over-simplifying some of the fans who walked away as simply Huggs lovers and deserters. I know a lot of people, good people, who I think you yourself would welcome back, and probably have a beer with and talk hoops There is a lot more involved than just that he's gone, and Cronin's here. Many didn't leave immediately. Hell some aren't even as mad as they are apathetic. Losing can do that to you.

And for some of you younger posters, I wonder if you realize how big of a deal UC was here through the 90's. You think the Bengals are bad this year, try every year. X was a joke (more so than even know) UC was all this town had. And Huggs was the face of the town. (Kinda like a Pete Rose, yeah I know that's lame) I don't know if Cronin can ever be that, and that's to know fault of his own.

It was the way Huggs left, the way Kennedy was treated, the way some of the fans took the increases the years after, and top that off with 6 years now of sub par results for this program.

Think about if you, in this economy, and as big time fan of Huggs, wouldn't be the least bit pressed about shelling out 2, 3, 4 THOUSAND a year to go to games, that many you could watch on TV.

I think the misconception is these people HATE UC now, or HATE Mick Cronin, when the reality is that's people like Doss and Billy Don, I'm not even sure they're "real life". Most just hate losing and are tightwads like most the country. They're probably not happy right now, but I don't think their horrible fans either. At least not most. Just like any business in life, make a good product and it will sell.

Many, myself included, have held on to their seats, but I can't blame those that bailed. I know we thought about it, and may next year. It all depends . As much as I like to support the team, to be completely honest the years prior have not been fun and at least half of my seats are given away or unused, b/c I'd rather watch on TV than make the trek down there, unless it's in conference or a decent OOC game. Ex. Just this past Sat I had two extra seats and called about 8 different people to see if they would wanna go down. Nobody wanted to, so rather than go down annd sit with my uncle and his wife, the tickets went unused.

That will hopefully change this year, and it's been ok so far, and I've only missed a couple of games. But can you blame if I don't want to pay my share for dues and all those tickets for a handful of BE games, if somehow they trip up? To watch a product that pissed me off more than makes me happy? Not to mention, I gotta make sure the other 4 family members still want to throw down. If we don't, can I still consider myself a pretty big UC fan? I would think so. Just one that might occasionally buy walkups.

I'm one of these "younger posters" seeing as I'm in my 20's, but I definitely (and I think I can say for some others) understand how big of a deal UC was in the 90's and beginning on the 2000's. Hell, thats probably why we are just as pissed if not more so than many. I honestly think fandom can be compared. Now I'm not going to get into extreme detail about that argument or anything, but honestly IMO and most of the well known passionate (and I mean passionate like Philly/Boston/Green Bay/etc) fan-bases support their teams through thick and thin, good times and bad. Its like a marriage, just because you disagree or are having a rough patch, doesn't mean you just bail. I don't think many would argue with that point.

Sadly, we don't have that at UC (for some reason and I include myself in this the bungles do have pretty loyal fans despite being absolutely awful for well most 20 somethings lifetime). Most of us have not, and will not see a National Championship, World Series win, or Super Bowl from OUR team! But in the off chance we do, it feels 1000x times better when you have been there for those 20 awful seasons just to have that 1 amazing season that makes it all bearable. Thats how I personally measure fandom. You live, eat, and breath your team and support them no matter what. Anyway, I agree with greatone, I can't stand these two-face fans, but i know we need them and we will win them back over, and they will say they have always been there blah, blah, blah and we the passionate few will shake our heads. Its just how this town is.

Not to call anyone's fandom out personally as all circumstances are different (financially), but in a city metro of over 1 mil, we can't as a fanbase get more than 4,500 to a game?

Also, OSU football and basketball can suck my left ***! :)

If you ever, and I mean ever need anyone to use your tickets, let me know. I'll always be able to use up those tickets :D
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To hell with them.

I have always supported this program and respect the 5,000 that show up. I don't give a **** if we get back those posers. They can go watch their OSU football and talk **** about Mick Cronin. All of them are the same. Just like the good team and not the program. Same people who watch OSU football but like UC basketball. Can't stand that. I hope they go support OSU basketball honestly.

The only reason I would want them back is to boost the programs profit and to give a home court advantage.

*We do need the students though*

Exactly what i was thinking.. Just like those idiots that root for UK hoops and Uc hoops, how in the hell.. If your a OSU football fan and a UC basketball fan its goes back a while, what it is OSU football is elite and there bsketball team was not, just like Ucs baskeball and there football was not.. I root for one team and one team only and thats UC. People always used to say if UC loses in the tournament,who do you root for? the answer no one, i dont care if its the little sisters of the poor shooting 3s and beating kansas, if its not UC then i dont care. I have been a UC fan all my life, not a fair weather fan, only liked UC when Huggs was there, was that because Huggs was that good or was that because they were winning. I cant wait until this years squad shuts up the naysayers, and if they dont i still will bleed Red and Black... All thru high school i played ball and was a hell of a ball player and i used to think to myself i dont care if i had to even sit the bench for UC i would rather do that than start for UK any day...
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Exactly what i was thinking.. Just like those idiots that root for UK hoops and Uc hoops, how in the hell.. If your a OSU football fan and a UC basketball fan its goes back a while, what it is OSU football is elite and there bsketball team was not, just like Ucs baskeball and there football was not.. I root for one team and one team only and thats UC. People always used to say if UC loses in the tournament,who do you root for? the answer no one, i dont care if its the little sisters of the poor shooting 3s and beating kansas, if its not UC then i dont care. I have been a UC fan all my life, not a fair weather fan, only liked UC when Huggs was there, was that because Huggs was that good or was that because they were winning. I cant wait until this years squad shuts up the naysayers, and if they dont i still will bleed Red and Black...

Great post......couldn't agree more
I did not see the last sentence, my apologies. I really think you are over-simplifying some of the fans who walked away as simply Huggs lovers and deserters. I know a lot of people, good people, who I think you yourself would welcome back, and probably have a beer with and talk hoops There is a lot more involved than just that he's gone, and Cronin's here. Many didn't leave immediately. Hell some aren't even as mad as they are apathetic. Losing can do that to you.

And for some of you younger posters, I wonder if you realize how big of a deal UC was here through the 90's. You think the Bengals are bad this year, try every year. X was a joke (more so than even know) UC was all this town had. And Huggs was the face of the town. (Kinda like a Pete Rose, yeah I know that's lame) I don't know if Cronin can ever be that, and that's to know fault of his own.

It was the way Huggs left, the way Kennedy was treated, the way some of the fans took the increases the years after, and top that off with 6 years now of sub par results for this program.

Think about if you, in this economy, and as big time fan of Huggs, wouldn't be the least bit pressed about shelling out 2, 3, 4 THOUSAND a year to go to games, that many you could watch on TV.

I think the misconception is these people HATE UC now, or HATE Mick Cronin, when the reality is that's people like Doss and Billy Don, I'm not even sure they're "real life". Most just hate losing and are tightwads like most the country. They're probably not happy right now, but I don't think their horrible fans either. At least not most. Just like any business in life, make a good product and it will sell.

Many, myself included, have held on to their seats, but I can't blame those that bailed. I know we thought about it, and may next year. It all depends . As much as I like to support the team, to be completely honest the years prior have not been fun and at least half of my seats are given away or unused, b/c I'd rather watch on TV than make the trek down there, unless it's in conference or a decent OOC game. Ex. Just this past Sat I had two extra seats and called about 8 different people to see if they would wanna go down. Nobody wanted to, so rather than go down annd sit with my uncle and his wife, the tickets went unused.

That will hopefully change this year, and it's been ok so far, and I've only missed a couple of games. But can you blame if I don't want to pay my share for dues and all those tickets for a handful of BE games, if somehow they trip up? To watch a product that pissed me off more than makes me happy? Not to mention, I gotta make sure the other 4 family members still want to throw down. If we don't, can I still consider myself a pretty big UC fan? I would think so. Just one that might occasionally buy walkups.

Good read. I can understand what your saying and it does make me reconsider how I handle fans who bailed.

Still would never leave UC as a fan. No way.
We'll just have to agree to disagree on this. I will never get used to seeing an empty gym. It's an embarrassment when a 1/3 of your gym is full. Why would ESPN, FoxSports or anyone else want to televise a team that can't create an atmosphere thru it's fan base? It's all relative. Look across town.
Xavier vs. W. Mich - 10,250 attend
Xavier vs. IPFW - 9,949 attend (UC had 4,491 when we played IPFW)
Xavier vs. Wofford - 9,562 attend
Xavier vs. Butler - 10,250 attend

Attendance is part of what makes a great program. Having a huge homecourt advantage and extra energy you derive from a rabid fan base. Xavier fans live in the same city we do and have all the access to other diversions. They still support their team no matter who they're playing. It should be this way in Clifton as well. Xavier's student body shows up for their team. Cincinnati's doesn't. Xavier fans support their program by showing up. Cincinnati's doesn't. If you don't think this has an impact on recruits and television you're kidding yourself.

Xavier had attendance issues too when they weren't winning. But for the past decade they have been winning consistently and got a new arena and have built a good fanbase because of it.

But, attendance still sucks at UC. I don't like it, but I do understand it. Not a lot of hype, terrible place to watch a game unless you have expensive seats, bad economy, terrible OOC schedule, etc.

It's not excuses, it's just the unfortunate truth. We can bitch about attendance until were blue in the face but until UC starts winning (consistently and against good competition) attendance will suffer. In fact, I'm guessing it will take more than one year of winning to bring that back in full force. Many will consider it a fluke until they sustain some success.
I did not see the last sentence, my apologies. I really think you are over-simplifying some of the fans who walked away as simply Huggs lovers and deserters. I know a lot of people, good people, who I think you yourself would welcome back, and probably have a beer with and talk hoops There is a lot more involved than just that he's gone, and Cronin's here. Many didn't leave immediately. Hell some aren't even as mad as they are apathetic. Losing can do that to you.

And for some of you younger posters, I wonder if you realize how big of a deal UC was here through the 90's. You think the Bengals are bad this year, try every year. X was a joke (more so than even know) UC was all this town had. And Huggs was the face of the town. (Kinda like a Pete Rose, yeah I know that's lame) I don't know if Cronin can ever be that, and that's to know fault of his own.

It was the way Huggs left, the way Kennedy was treated, the way some of the fans took the increases the years after, and top that off with 6 years now of sub par results for this program.

Which is a shame people feel that way. Huggs crapped where he ate, he got what he deserved and I was a big fan of his. You can't do what he did and expect everyone to turn a blind eye. As for Kennedy, if only people knew what was going on behind the scenes they wouldn't have wanted him to get the job. Kudos to UC for being bigger than that and not making it public. And I honestly can't imagine anyone that would still want AK the way he has handled himself at Ole Miss.

Bottom line is forget Huggs (meaning forget the issues, obviously remember the good times) and forget AK, those two aren't holding this program back. They just need to win consistently and there will be plenty of fans...a new arena would help too.
I am not referring to you specifically. I don't know you, just your brother. Cheer for whoever you want.

I will never understand the people who will cheer for UC bball and laugh at UC football when BK left.

To me you go to choose one. Who is your favorite college team, OSU or UC?

Forgive me for cheering for specific teams since I came out of the whomb.

Apparently I was not given the Book, College Sports Fan Rules 101; For Dumbies, from the local Barnes and Noble...

Give me a break....

In my honest opinion all UC Football fans are posers then. I used to attend games for free. I sat amongst 10 fans. Then all the sudden they get good and people want to challenge the schools that have had great tradition and success over the years.

Look in the mirror
Forgive me for cheering for specific teams since I came out of the whomb.

Apparently I was not given the Book, College Sports Fan Rules 101; For Dumbies, from the local Barnes and Noble...

Give me a break....

In my honest opinion all UC Football fans are posers then. I used to attend games for free. I sat amongst 10 fans. Then all the sudden they get good and people want to challenge the schools that have had great tradition and success over the years.

Look in the mirror

A lot of them are. To say all is a bit much. There are a lot of alumni that would go to the games as students even when the team was terrible (myself to name 1). I think many fans root for several different teams for some reason or another. I personally hate OSU with a passion. My family was from Michigan so I grew up watching UM football. I still like seeing Michigan do well but if UC ever played UM in football, it would be no contest for me. I want UC to win. Period. My family aren't big basketball fans so I never had a rooting interest for basketball. As a result, I don't have a second team. It is UC or bust. I don't have a problem with someone liking more than one team. I only have a problem with people who are only a fan when the ride is good and comfortable and then bail as soon as things get tough.
A lot of them are. To say all is a bit much. There are a lot of alumni that would go to the games as students even when the team was terrible (myself to name 1). I think many fans root for several different teams for some reason or another. I personally hate OSU with a passion. My family was from Michigan so I grew up watching UM football. I still like seeing Michigan do well but if UC ever played UM in football, it would be no contest for me. I want UC to win. Period. My family aren't big basketball fans so I never had a rooting interest for basketball. As a result, I don't have a second team. It is UC or bust. I don't have a problem with someone liking more than one team. I only have a problem with people who are only a fan when the ride is good and comfortable and then bail as soon as things get tough.

I agree! I have stuck with the same two teams my entire life. UC basketball and OSU football. The year OSU went 6-6 and declined a bowl game, I watched everygame and attended one. The years Mick has been here. I have tried to watch everygame and attended numerous. I am a fan, not a basher. I want to see them do well. I have better sh@# to do than come on here and rip the program apart. I simply critique it and want results. Lastly, I did not attend UC either. I have no ties to the school financially and I can cheer for whoever I please

And yes, to say all UC fans was a bit much. But everyone always says, I've ben a UC Football fan all along. Some have been, but others are lying to themselves.
Which is a shame people feel that way. Huggs crapped where he ate, he got what he deserved and I was a big fan of his. You can't do what he did and expect everyone to turn a blind eye. As for Kennedy, if only people knew what was going on behind the scenes they wouldn't have wanted him to get the job. Kudos to UC for being bigger than that and not making it public. And I honestly can't imagine anyone that would still want AK the way he has handled himself at Ole Miss.

Bottom line is forget Huggs (meaning forget the issues, obviously remember the good times) and forget AK, those two aren't holding this program back. They just need to win consistently and there will be plenty of fans...a new arena would help too.

Again, it's the way Huggs left. NOT that he simply left, not that's he's gone. There's no reason to rehash the details of how you properly fire and hire a coach, but that where the frustration for most was. I think many felt he dug his own grave but were outraged with how the transition was handled.

It was the way Kennedy was treated. NOT that people still would want him, or even care anymore. But it did happen, and it did irk many at the time. These things snowballed right into a major rebuilding project. Which is already a tough road to hoe. Add in a recession...

I'm not saying that I dwell on these things a great deal, or that anyone should, but they happened, and is a possible explanation as to why some fans SLOWLY got to the point where their enthusiasm may have became apathy. Or why they could still be a UC fan, but just not one shelling out cash to watch in person, but they rather choose just to watch from home.

I don't think there's as many deserters or "haters" as many like to think. I think there's a lot of casual fans that just kinda lost interest, and some a handful that just got plain lazy, or are trying to save money.

I think the "Huggs left, so I won't go anymore" picture many paint of some of people that used to make up some of our 7k or so empty seats, is not the norm. I think it's way more complicated.
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Again, it's the way Huggs left. NOT that he simply left, not that's he's gone. There's no reason to rehash the details of how you properly fire and hire a coach, but that where the frustration for most was. I think many felt he dug his own grave but were outraged with how the transition was handled.

It was the way Kennedy was treated. NOT that people still would want him, or even care anymore. But it did happen, and it did irk many at the time. These things snowballed right into a major rebuilding project. Which is already a tough road to hoe. Add in a recession...

I'm not saying that I dwell on these things a great deal, or that anyone should, but they happened, and is a possible explanation as to why some fans SLOWLY got to the point where their enthusiasm may have became apathy. Or why they could still be a UC fan, but just not one shelling out cash to watch in person, but they rather choose just to watch from home.

I don't think there's as many deserters or "haters" as many like to think. I think there's a lot of casual fans that just kinda lost interest, and some a handful that just got plain lazy, or are trying to save money.

I think the "Huggs left, so I won't go anymore" picture many paint of some of people that used make up our 7k empty seats, is not the norm. I think it's way more complicated.

Again, Kennedy was secretly killing the program while he was coaching UC. He was telling kids not to go to class. He was shopping players around to other schools. He was tell any potential recruits bad things about the school. Kennedy was treated more than fair, but most people just don't realize that.
Again, Kennedy was secretly killing the program while he was coaching UC. He was telling kids not to go to class. He was shopping players around to other schools. He was tell any potential recruits bad things about the school. Kennedy was treated more than fair, but most people just don't realize that.

Again, Kennedy was secretly killing the program while he was coaching UC. He was telling kids not to go to class. He was shopping players around to other schools. He was tell any potential recruits bad things about the school. Kennedy was treated more than fair, but most people just don't realize that.

That's could be true, and it's not the first time I've heard it, but that's irrelevant to what point I was trying to make. (I think that thought is more than overstated but that's here nor there)

The average fan does not know this, did not know this, nor would they probably care to at this point. Most people took the way that entire situation was handled as a negative. I'm not trying to debate whether yours, mine, or theirs, opinions are right or wrong. I'm only stating the things that happened, on top of Huggs not being here, that have affected the program.

It has nothing to do what some may think REALLY happened. When it comes to a disgruntled fan base, perception is reality. The perception is the University treated AK like dirt. And no can argue that both the perception, and the actual reality, is that this school could not have screwed the pooch more with how they handled and timed that firing, before AK was even in place. That was one of the most bush league moves that I have seen a major athletic program make.

Then, add in rebuilding, a recession, a lazier and lazier population, 50 inch high def TVs with 7.1 surround sound... I think they ALL matter, they all contribute.
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Again, Kennedy was secretly killing the program while he was coaching UC. He was telling kids not to go to class. He was shopping players around to other schools. He was tell any potential recruits bad things about the school. Kennedy was treated more than fair, but most people just don't realize that.

So much for the secret
Again, Kennedy was secretly killing the program while he was coaching UC. He was telling kids not to go to class. He was shopping players around to other schools. He was tell any potential recruits bad things about the school. Kennedy was treated more than fair, but most people just don't realize that.

I had heard similar things as well. I was in Kennedy's camp at first and then when all the stuff went down during the NIT that year, I knew something was up. I don't know all the details and don't want to speculate but I did hear some shady stuff was going down.
That's could be true, and it's not the first time I've heard it, but that's irrelevant to what point I was trying to make. (I think that thought is more than overstated but that's here nor there)

The average fan does not know this, did not know this, nor would they probably care to at this point. Most people took the way that entire situation was handled as a negative. I'm not trying to debate whether yours, mine, or theirs, opinions are right or wrong. I'm only stating the things that happened, on top of Huggs not being here, that have affected the program.

It has nothing to do what some may think REALLY happened. When it comes to a disgruntled fan base, perception is reality. The perception is the University treated AK like dirt. And no can argue that both the perception, and the actual reality, is that this school could not have screwed the pooch more with how they handled and timed that firing, before AK was even in place. That was one of the most bush league moves that I have seen a major athletic program make.

Then, add in rebuilding, a recession, a lazier and lazier population, 50 inch high def TVs with 7.1 surround sound... I think they ALL matter, they all contribute.
Anyone, and I mean anyone, who uses Bob Huggins and Andy Kennedy as an excuse to not support this program is not a University of Cincinnati fan. They may have been Huggins and Kennedy fans but not UC fans. To stay away from the program for 5 years for something no player had any part in is so lame I can't put it in words. It is childish and immature especially since Zimpher and Huggins have both moved on. For everyone that casts a stone at Zimpher look at what your lack of support is doing to damage the program. For goodness sake move on!
The haters will never return, they hate UC for firing Huggins, they hate Mick for leaving Huggins to work for Rick Pitino.

UC must start with the fan base that now exists and build a new fan base.
That is why it is so critical that Mick remain as head coach for many years to come.
The haters will never return, they hate UC for firing Huggins, they hate Mick for leaving Huggins to work for Rick Pitino.

UC must start with the fan base that now exists and build a new fan base.
That is why it is so critical that Mick remain as head coach for many years to come.

I agree with Ralph here. I think the administration realizes this too. There is only so much you can do about the Huggins situation and all the players involved aren't even around UC any more. It is critical that the administration stay patient and work to build a new fan base to go along with us die hards.
Anyone, and I mean anyone, who uses Bob Huggins and Andy Kennedy as an excuse to not support this program is not a University of Cincinnati fan. They may have been Huggins and Kennedy fans but not UC fans. To stay away from the program for 5 years for something no player had any part in is so lame I can't put it in words. It is childish and immature especially since Zimpher and Huggins have both moved on. For everyone that casts a stone at Zimpher look at what your lack of support is doing to damage the program. For goodness sake move on!

Hold up a minute, bud. Calm down. Read the words written, and posts prior. I said these things snowballed right into a whole other mess of issues. That they're all a cause.

Let me try listing them again: A massive rebuilding project. A terrible economy. An ever growing lazy population. The advent of home theatre.

I NEVER said that was the sole reason. In fact, if you would read what I said, you would realize I was actually providing any and every reason other than that, I was disputing that idea. I don't think people stay b/c Huggs is gone. (Click page 2 and start from there if you'd like)

Also, get off your high horse and save your definition of what a true fan is. Trust me, I don't need a tutorial.

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