MDW, and I'm not putting you in this category, the majority of people that do not attend do so for 3 reasons. Mick Cronin, Bob Huggins, and bitterness at the administration. That is not me saying that it is the people themselves.
Read the Enquirer posts and listen to talk radio. I have personally had no less than 10 people tell me they hope UC loses every game because of what happened to Huggs and they want Mick gone. I don't want it to be that way. It simply is. A guy I know who has followed UC as long as me told me two weeks ago this very thing. He hangs with a group of guys who feel the same way. I won't even visit one Bearcat site anymore because it's hard to tell it's pro Bearcats.
I'm sure there are other reasons but the largest segment falls in the group I mentioned. If UC can win and sustain it I think it will bring some healing. You are right we should highlight the positive. I just feel very passionately about this subject. I never meant to offend you personally.
Thank you for explaining your stance, and fwiw was not offended. Frustrated may be a better term.
I have encountered many people like the one's you described, and I do know of one of my friends who does indeed "root against Mick" but I really believe that is a minority. And as far as the people on the boards and on talk radio, I see it all, too. (I'm on BCN all the time, sure that's the site in question) but I don't think many of those people are "real life" so to say. (The message board trolls)
I mentioned this to Greatone yesterday, I really don't believe people like Doss, Billy Don, Ohio Football (I'm assuming you know who I'm talking about, if not, they're extreme examples) really exist outside of a message board, where they can be annonmous. I think a lot of us read so much of this crap on these boards sometime, where people overstate their position (especially the negative ones) that it may cloud our perception a tad.
I'm not saying the people you know personally aren't out there, they are, no doubt. I'm just not sure they're the majority of the people who are lost customers. Or I'm not sure that there's just an equal amount of "solid fan" with legitimate apathy.
I know quite a few people that just lost interest. These are people I grew up with and many went to UC as well. It's not that they're mad, or hate Mick, or love Huggs, they just kind of faded away. Some just got older, started working more. Some used to go to a handful of games every year and watch the rest on tv. Not that they're not on tv as much, they don't buy walkups as much. Some were never big basketball fans to begin with, and always just kinda of hopped on for the ride for something to do.
There's people who are arsholes and openly root against them for sure. There's also just a bunch of casual fans that slowly became apathetic, and I think that took time, didn't happen over a firing, or a hiring.
I'll leave you guys with one example, I always like to use, b/c I really like the person.
There was a woman I used to work with, who was in her early 60's. When I started at that office, I was one of a few big UC fans there (This place was in NKy) and we'd all shoot the ****. Anyway, come to find out, this older lady was a huge UC fan. HUGE. She literally taped every game from the Fox 19 days. Like I could borrow VHS tapes from her of, say, UC-Depaul 1998. (I started this job in '02) She always wore a UC sweatshirt, always like to talk about the game that night, always read the Enquirer articles. Would take her grandkids down to 5/3 and Nippert every so often...
She was just a cooler older lady, didn't know a ton about the game, but loved UC. Anyway, in the midst of the rebuilding she's had some chemo treatments here and there, was sick for a a little while, coupled with the Fox 19 contract expiring, just stopped caring as much. She ended up getting better health wise and would watch occassionally. By the last year I worked with her, 2009, she really wasn't even up to date with the team. Like, I'd ask her did you watch last night, what did you think? And she'd say, oh darn, I didn't even know they were on. Or, yeah, but me and Don (her husband, also big UC fan) flipped it off at half.
The point is, she wasn't mad or bitter, it was just a slow process. As much as life just happening (Her getting sick) I really think that tv contract with Fox 19 affected her interest. (They had Dish but wouldn't always get the FSO games) Now, she wasn't a season ticket holder or anything but this is just one example. I don't remember the last time she went down there. And I know a few people with similar stories. Many not older, my age (32) that could easily be down there. (I have trouble getting people to take an extra ticket every so often)
I just think for as many people that like to beat their chest "I hate Mick" there's just cool people like this older lady, that for whatever reason isn't really hip to what's going on with the program.
PS Sorry for length of this.