All this talk about X fans wanting to win at any cost is a bit inaccurate and hypocritical. Ten years ago UC had plenty of "thugs" and we were winning. Would we rather them not be? Yeah, of course, but we were willing to sacrifice it to an extent because we were winning.
I'm much much happier with the guys UC is recruiting and yeah, Xavier has and is recruiting some questionable characters. But you can't condemn X fans for being happy about winning. When your team is winning, you don't complain how they are winning at the time. Sad as that may be, that is the way it is at most schools.
I hate Xavier and their mostly blinded fans, but lets not forget that we were doing the same things they were doing now a little while back. Xavier fans can't do anything about it. It is up to Chris Mack and the administration to turn this trend around, though I doubt they will until it implodes in their face and I will be laughing and loving it as the whole system goes down in flames.