Waite, if your going to LYAO at your own funny post, then at least try to post accurately. It just doesn't come across the same when you're LYAO at an un-truth. So, I guess I have to respond by saying that Waite's recollection of my posts might be a bit foggy. But that happens with the oldtimer's disease he accused me of having. Shooting us out of the Xavier game was your own words, not mine. In my post on 11/7/14 in the Memphis thread at 11:41 AM, I specifically said he shot us out of the NM game, and then I posted the stats from the game to prove my point. I went on to say in the next sentence that in the X game, he did not shoot good, but he did get to the line a lot and scored 17 points, but he also only had 2 assists with 4 turnovers. Never was there a mention of him shooting us out of the X game, plus I acknowledged that he had 17 points....again, supporting my statement with actual facts. In your response to that post, you said...."If you think we lost the X and New Mexico game because SK shot us out of the games, you are mistaken". So again, shooting us out of the X game was your words, not mine, so the fact that he only took 3 threes is interesting data, but irrelevent to what I actually said.
It's pretty funny how this site turns my posts around to try to make their own funny points and to take shots at me, but the accuracy rate of the claims are very low. BDcats did the same thing two days ago and I'm still waiting for his apology, but I still haven't seen it. Anyway, thanks for the entertaining post Waite and I'm certainly glad you got a good laugh out of it.