What does my leaving the board have to do with the BOT retaining Mick despite all the fan upheaval over his coaching you continually point out.Why would I answer my own question. I'm trying to understand your logic. Why would you assume I thought the forum would follow me. LMAO!! You have made your point on countless threads. Your unhappy. You have access most of us do not have. It seems your angry with the direction and want to spoil the rxperience for the rest who don't agree with you. My unabated Love for Mick. LOL!! I have never met the man. I enjoy being a fan of the program. I enjoy talking about the games and the recruits. This forum provides that opportunity that is why I returned. My point to you is if your intention is to create a atmosphere of displeasure with the posters which could lead to his dismissal your kidding yourself. If anything your having the opposite effect. If your in such pain over the direction of the program make a real statement and withhold funds. Your comparison of me leaving the board and returning versus you buying expensive tickets and making donations is laughable. As a fellow sport fan who follows the Reds good or bad. Yes I have season tickets I understand your dilemma. No matter how bad they play I'm still there for every home stand. I long for the days of the big red machine. Owners,coaches and players have come and gone. I'm still a die hard fan. I could not see myself going to the games cheering for the team all the while having a part of me hope they lose so the coach could be fired. I certainly wouldn't write that check every year if after every season I was bemoaning the direction of the franchise. L-T that's just me. Not trying to imply you should subscribe to my way of thinking. All I'm saying is we all get your message. Your unhappy with the direction of the program. You've made that abundantly clear daily that you are displeased with the coaching and want a change. The BOT does not agree. your arguement is with them not us.
Thanks Waite...you did answer your own question. You went all over the board with your reply, but your statement on the Reds is exactly what you're asking me to explain, so thanks for answering it for me. Now you don't have to make that whole argument for the one-thousandth time again. Also, your statement on me rooting for us to lose is your own creation, so you can continue to say that, but it's your thing, not mine. You've also made all your same points daily on that other side of the equation. So I guess if you expect to make your same points over and over, you can probably expect the other side to respond. That is how a forum works.
The bottom line is this, until Cronin does something noteworthy for this program, you'll continue to have the great divide. It's simple to fix. Just win a championship, land some top recruits, earn a top 10 ranking, do something in the conference tournament, make a run in the NCAA, whatever. Any one of those would shift the talk to a more positive vibe. He's getting paid $2.5 Million. For that much money, at least one of those things should be within his reach, don't you think?