Now, now Juliepitzer, you are starting to turn into what you despise, me. Using personal attacks to try and make a point. I'm a jerk, a punk, and have a mail order bride. Tarring and feathering me??? What era is that from? Also PM'ing me to call me a punk, and a little man who sits at the computer eating hot pockets. Very unladylike, don't you think. I hope you have shielded your poor husbands eyes from this thread, lest he take you off that pedestal. I'd hate for him to think you are not the tolerant bastion of womanhood that he married.
Having just returned home from having a pleasant dinner with my mail order bride and mail order kids, I have gained a small measure of perspective.
First, I can't believe that I got suckered back into this debate. But in my defense, I only revisited this topic when it was brought back up by JuliePitzer.
Secondly, I think it insults everyones intelligence when JuliePitzer comes on here and says her initial query about white players at UC has nothing to do with her dislike of Mick Cronin or race. She had previously mentioned her dislike for Cronin and her question was directed explicitly for the time frame that he has been the coach at UC, and also looked at the race of incoming recruits. Bringing this up when she knew that this was an issue since Ed Badger's days is race baiting, pure and simple. I commend everyone on here for not taking the bait. This topic was taken by her from comments section, and should be left to the morons at that site to debate. Most of us are on this site to escape from that type of dialogue, and this is what make this the best site for Bearcat fans.
Finally JuliePitzers PM to me also said 'How does it feel when no one comes to your aid.' My response would be that the truth is not a popularity contest. I think there are a number of posters on here that agree with me. And even if that not true, it would not make me less right. I stand by my indignation and won't give anyone a free pass on this issue.
That is all. Enough of this ****. Lets beat the Hillbillies tomorrow. GO BEARCATS!