The Official Bob Huggins Thread


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swwwwiiinngg and a miss. You really should be banned for this attempt so it can give you some time to think about how lame it really was.

I did not know I was trying to hit something. Fill me in on what I missed. As for the ban, a little joke is lame but verbally assaulting an old woman is acceptable? Wow, now that I know the rules I will watch my step.
Now, now Juliepitzer, you are starting to turn into what you despise, me. Using personal attacks to try and make a point. I'm a jerk, a punk, and have a mail order bride. Tarring and feathering me??? What era is that from? Also PM'ing me to call me a punk, and a little man who sits at the computer eating hot pockets. Very unladylike, don't you think. I hope you have shielded your poor husbands eyes from this thread, lest he take you off that pedestal. I'd hate for him to think you are not the tolerant bastion of womanhood that he married.

Having just returned home from having a pleasant dinner with my mail order bride and mail order kids, I have gained a small measure of perspective.

First, I can't believe that I got suckered back into this debate. But in my defense, I only revisited this topic when it was brought back up by JuliePitzer.

Secondly, I think it insults everyones intelligence when JuliePitzer comes on here and says her initial query about white players at UC has nothing to do with her dislike of Mick Cronin or race. She had previously mentioned her dislike for Cronin and her question was directed explicitly for the time frame that he has been the coach at UC, and also looked at the race of incoming recruits. Bringing this up when she knew that this was an issue since Ed Badger's days is race baiting, pure and simple. I commend everyone on here for not taking the bait. This topic was taken by her from comments section, and should be left to the morons at that site to debate. Most of us are on this site to escape from that type of dialogue, and this is what make this the best site for Bearcat fans.

Finally JuliePitzers PM to me also said 'How does it feel when no one comes to your aid.' My response would be that the truth is not a popularity contest. I think there are a number of posters on here that agree with me. And even if that not true, it would not make me less right. I stand by my indignation and won't give anyone a free pass on this issue.

That is all. Enough of this ****. Lets beat the Hillbillies tomorrow. GO BEARCATS!

I would like to get one thing straight with you Bucky then I will leave it alone. My wife has no interest in debating you and finds it a waste of her time. The only reason I got involved in this senseless subject was your combative attitude towards her and your poor choice of words in earlier post. You obviously wish to stand by your convictions and that is to be expected. That however does not make them fact, as in this case. Keep them to yourself and I will do the same of my opinion in regards to you. The mail order bride was a joke and it is ok to laugh once in a while one would think.
You are right. I'm sure Ralph has not had tutelege under a HOF coach, like you have.

Putting jock straps on players isnt considered being coached. Sorry Ralph :D

My coaching however has placed me on fatheads across America; several, several awards at the Emmys and numorous autograph sessions. I've had to tint my windows to keep the paparazzi away.

As for my HOF Coach...He was the Liberty Mutual Coach of the year a few times. Just sayin
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But seems like things are getting heated up on here...

So, not sure if this is allowed but think everyone needs a laugh. If its not appropriate, I can delet it. Just saw it and I may be a couple years behind, but its basketball related

I would like to get one thing straight with you Bucky then I will leave it alone. My wife has no interest in debating you and finds it a waste of her time. The only reason I got involved in this senseless subject was your combative attitude towards her and your poor choice of words in earlier post. You obviously wish to stand by your convictions and that is to be expected. That however does not make them fact, as in this case. Keep them to yourself and I will do the same of my opinion in regards to you. The mail order bride was a joke and it is ok to laugh once in a while one would think.

I would like to get one thing straight with you Bucky then I will leave it alone. My wife has no interest in debating you and finds it a waste of her time. The only reason I got involved in this senseless subject was your combative attitude towards her and your poor choice of words in earlier post. You obviously wish to stand by your convictions and that is to be expected. That however does not make them fact, as in this case. Keep them to yourself and I will do the same of my opinion in regards to you. The mail order bride was a joke and it is ok to laugh once in a while one would think.

Okay, Skippy. I can't help myself so I will have one last post on this subject. One thing I have learned is that the closer you get to the truth, the more personal things get. So I am not surprised that you or your wife resorted to calling me a jerk, a punk, a night school student at southern state, or that I need to use mail order to get a wife. Your classy PM was was also not surprising. But wanting to have me tarred and feathered at halftime at FTA? Really???? The truth has a habit of illuminating the true nature of a person. It shining brightly on you now.

As for your feeling that I assulted your wife, I apolgize. I didn't realize though that she was also old. If she plans to stay on this forum is there anything else you would like to share with us. Arthritis, gout, incontinence? It would be nice to know as none of would like to hurt her feelings and have you return to reprimand us. I just want this forum to return to normalcy. Thanking you in advance for your understanding.
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PS The 1:08ish mark should have this board singing Kumba Ya. Good God..................

Double PS: Watch the language on that track. And you X fans, earmuffs. But sip on your wine cooler and enjoy the show. This aint no Romain Sato highlights, this is man's work. "Get off me!"


Bucky, you are a bloody idiot. I made an attempt to keep our "discussion" private (per the administrator's request) and off of this forum, but no. Not only did you not have the balls to answer it, you had to bring out the 1 or 2 points that suited you (with some creative editing) and plaster them onto a post in here. Not surprised. Then I made an attempt to end this in a somewhat civil fashion, and you again took advantage by creating more insults about my wife. You really should take your show on the road. I imagine you would be a hit in Afganistan. Hell, I will buy the ticket for you. The fact that you are a Bearcat fan further disgust me. I usually have a hard time despising fellow Cats fans. You have made it easy.
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Honestly, I am with Julie in that post. I don't like when posters mention PM's from other people in a post. That's why they are PMs.
Bucky, you are a bloody idiot. I made an attempt to keep our "discussion" private (per the administrator's request) and off of this forum, but no. Not only did you not have the balls to answer it, you had to bring out the 1 or 2 points that suited you (with some creative editing) and plaster them onto a post in here. Not surprised. Then I made an attempt to end this in a somewhat civil fashion, and you again took advantage by creating more insults about my wife. You really should take your show on the road. I imagine you would be a hit in Afganistan. Hell, I will buy the ticket for you. The fact that you are a Bearcat fan further disgust me. I usually have a hard time despising fellow Cats fans. You have made it easy.

Your PM was an angry rant and what I posted was what you said. There was no creative editing. What other points did you make? I didn't say anything in my response to you that I felt could not be said in the light of day. I didn't have the balls to answer it? What question did you pose that needed answering. It was just a string of insults that you could have said on here.

As far as wanting to send me to Afganistan so that I would presumably be killed, let me remind you that this is just a message board. There is nothing that can be said on here to make someone wish another dead. Put down your anger and just listen to yourself. This is an anonymous message board. This isn't life or death. No one knows who your wife is, or will think less of her in real life. This is a message board about Bearcat sports for Bearcat supporters. That all this is. I have let this 'discussion' spiral out of control, and am willing to take responsibilty for this. Regardless of what is said about me, I don't think I would want anyone to be tarred and feathered or wish them dead.

As for continuing to post on Bearcat talk, if the administarors feel that I have become too much of a distraction then I am happy to leave. My life will go on and my family will still love me. The Bearcats will keep playing and I will keep following them. I did this before the age of internet and I will continue to do so until I die.
As far as wanting to send me to Afganistan so that I would presumably be killed, let me remind you that this is just a message board. There is nothing that can be said on here to make someone wish another dead. Put down your anger and just listen to yourself. This is an anonymous message board. This isn't life or death. No one knows who your wife is, or will think less of her in real life. This is a message board about Bearcat sports for Bearcat supporters. That all this is. I have let this 'discussion' spiral out of control, and am willing to take responsibilty for this. Regardless of what is said about me, I don't think I would want anyone to be tarred and feathered or wish them dead.

I don't know if it was said in the PM, but as far as what Julie posted, I think that's quite a stretch.
Posting a PM really should be a bannable offense. I mean really...Should be brought up to the Mods for sure.
This is definitely pretty out of hand. I'm not touching the argument with a ten foot poll (I'm not taking sides) but this thread has been derailed for probably a dozen or so pages. And actually, I thought is was a pretty decent going one too. Unique to kinda cool. Not anymore.

The site's admin has already said something, many posters have hinted continued displeasure, myself along with at least a couple others posted videos to change the topic. People have tried to get back on topic.

Enough is enough. Whatever needs to happen to make this stop, let's agree to get it done. Can I help? Hell, just insult the living crap out of each other via PM. (Yes, I saw the other posts) Why is there a need to make this a public feud? I certainly don't want to read it, it's been nothing but personal for way too long.
I don't know if it was said in the PM, but as far as what Julie posted, I think that's quite a stretch.

You wouldn't take someone saying in anger that I would buy a ticket for you to go to Afganistan in that manner? What do you think was meant by that? And no, that wasn't said in the PM.
You wouldn't take someone saying in anger that I would buy a ticket for you to go to Afganistan in that manner? What do you think was meant by that? And no, that wasn't said in the PM.

I like you dude and your a good poster here and at BCN but move away from this. What are you going to do....kick his/her/it's ass????

It's a Bearcats message board. Let's talk some Bearcats.

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