He gets so many bad offensive fouls called because of his size, if he did those same moves and was 175 pounds, they'd never call it. IF your out of position and Cumberland bumps you, the foul should be on the defense every time no matter how far the defense flew to the ground.
Good thing is; it doesn't seem like those offensive fouls have deterred him from going to the rim. He is so big that he draws help and then finds guys wide open. HE is a great passer. Just needs to work on his handles a little bit.
I love his confidence though. I think this team is super unselfish. Like Jacob is a star player but doesn't mind taking a backseat to a hotter hand, same for gary, Troy and even Washington. I think Kyle does everything for his team, even if it doesn't always appear that way. He just doesn't always make intelligent plays but I dont think he does it to be selfish
How many bad offensive foul calls did he have prior to his last game which I didn't get to see? I have watched most of all the other games and didn't notice an imbalance of poor calls against him...But maybe I wasn't watching closely enough.
Again I didn't get to see the last game which it sounds like there were at least a couple.