It's not an overreaction when you gave up your time to go watch them play and they don't bother showing up. I work 60 hours a week, Sunday is my only day where I don't have to work. Sunday afternoons are my time. I chose to give my time to go watch these guys play, same as I choose to give my money and time to support the school and Bearcat athletics in general. And they don't bother showing up. If it's an excuse of a ride that is complete bullshit. The team has followers and are royalty on campus. If they don't know people yet, which is probably a reasonable assumption the veterans have friends and girls and followers that would gladly bring these guys the five mile ride up to Woodward. The summer league has gone on for years and years and this has never been an issue. All of a sudden in one day we're supposed to believe that ten Bearcats or so who are choosing to be in this league can't find a ride? In my opinion these guys made a decision as a whole they weren't going to play today and the ride is their excuse because they're probably catching flack for it.