The Official Bob Huggins Thread


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PLEASE, stop with the name calling or I may have to get my wife to come on here and defend me. Wait. Thats not a good example as she will likely agree with you. My kids think I'm perfect, though.

That's all that matters.

Your wife knows your don't! :D

I don't think anbuc is a jerk. Seems like a straight broseph to me, just shoots $hit straight.

Speaking of enjoying a beer over a UC game, I bet those Eggsavier fans were really pissed we didn't serve Zima at the Shoe this year...
I made a Zima/Xavier joke the other day in my office, and my 24 year old office mate said, "What's Zima?"

The joke lost its potency quick.
No matter where you stand on the Huggs/Mick issue, I think most rational people (The Living Legend and Ralph need not apply) would agree with the following:

-Huggs did a great job while at UC. He energized Bearcat fans and the team was a source of pride for the city and university.

-Huggs had his faults in running the program. Perception or not, there were issues with graduation rates and player conduct off the court. While not all of the perceptions were true, Bob didn't exactly do much to defend the program.

-On the court, the team's performance seemed to level off in his last three seasons. I believe that we were a 8-seed in 2003, a 4-seed in 2004, and a 7-seed in 2005 which all ended in 1st weekend eliminations.

-The way Huggs was fired was disgraceful to him and the school. However, those in the know back in 2005 knew the end for Huggs was coming. Bob continued to work but had stopped recruiting for UC so to speak.

-Nothing I've said above has anything to do with Mick despite the fact that some people want to lump him in with the same people who created the mess he inherited. Mick came here in 2006 and was handed an unmitigated disaster. Since then he has built the program up from nothing. Whether he has done it in an appropriate time frame has been debated ad nauseum.

-The 2010-2011 Bearcat team is one to be very proud of and should be supported fully. WHEN they win tomorrow night they will be 6-3 and in the Top 5 of the toughest league the nation has ever seen. If they can finish strong they will be back in the NCAA Tournament. Maybe that will put an end to the Huggs/Mick debate forever and we can simply move on as Bearcat fans.
No matter where you stand on the Huggs/Mick issue, I think most rational people (The Living Legend and Ralph need not apply) would agree with the following:

-Huggs did a great job while at UC. He energized Bearcat fans and the team was a source of pride for the city and university.

-Huggs had his faults in running the program. Perception or not, there were issues with graduation rates and player conduct off the court. While not all of the perceptions were true, Bob didn't exactly do much to defend the program.

-On the court, the team's performance seemed to level off in his last three seasons. I believe that we were a 8-seed in 2003, a 4-seed in 2004, and a 7-seed in 2005 which all ended in 1st weekend eliminations.

-The way Huggs was fired was disgraceful to him and the school. However, those in the know back in 2005 knew the end for Huggs was coming. Bob continued to work but had stopped recruiting for UC so to speak.

-Nothing I've said above has anything to do with Mick despite the fact that some people want to lump him in with the same people who created the mess he inherited. Mick came here in 2006 and was handed an unmitigated disaster. Since then he has built the program up from nothing. Whether he has done it in an appropriate time frame has been debated ad nauseum.

-The 2010-2011 Bearcat team is one to be very proud of and should be supported fully. WHEN they win tomorrow night they will be 6-3 and in the Top 5 of the toughest league the nation has ever seen. If they can finish strong they will be back in the NCAA Tournament. Maybe that will put an end to the Huggs/Mick debate forever and we can simply move on as Bearcat fans.

Great Post!
I just read through this thread in it's entirety, and if you'll indulge me, I've made just a few observations.

  • Nobody seems to like The Ralph, although I can't find much to argue with him. He seems to tell it like it is.
  • Everyone seems to be splitting hairs over who and what sport is responsible for getting UC in the BEast. Why does this matter?
  • It is clear that everyone on this forum holds the university and it's athletic department near and dear to their hearts. Why all the dissenting opinions if we're all on the same side?
Am I missing something here? :confused:
I just read through this thread in it's entirety, and if you'll indulge me, I've made just a few observations.

  • Nobody seems to like The Ralph, although I can't find much to argue with him. He seems to tell it like it is.
  • Everyone seems to be splitting hairs over who and what sport is responsible for getting UC in the BEast. Why does this matter?
  • It is clear that everyone on this forum holds the university and it's athletic department near and dear to their hearts. Why all the dissenting opinions if we're all on the same side?
Am I missing something here? :confused:

See your first and second point? Can I try to explain them in reverse?

The reason everyone is splitting hairs over how we got in is b/c Ralph made a post solely written to get people worked up. It's pretty simple, he'll write something that is is incorrect and so vague, that people start to debate something that needs not be debating. If Ralph doesn't make the intentionally polarizing comment of "Basketball had nothing to do with it, Nancy Zimpher is who got us in" the thread never gets derailed. (That's the answer to the 2nd point)

Point 1, see what I just wrote above. He rarely tells it like it is. There's usually an agenda, if only to be annoying.

Point 3: I'm not sure, most people seem pretty cool but seem to have differing opinions how good we were, or weren't, under Huggins. Most of it seems in good taste though.
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It would be pretty hard to be a bigger jerk in person.

My entire fan club seems to have shown up. You're still not sore at me about being banned last year for bringing up stupid $hit during the late signing period are you? I'm always tingly with anticipation awaiting for your next brilliant post.
O, are my posts over the top? Annoying? Hmm, interesting. Sound familiar?

Watch yourself son, you know he can't say anything bad about his boy ralph. Even though everyone knows that Ralph is ignorant and thinks UC/cronin can do no wrong.

Every team has a ralph fellas/ladies. It's the person who follows a program blindly without questioning it ever.
correct me if im wrong---LL got banned for calling ralph an idiot. You are calling LL an ass....Banned.

Thegreatone knows LL personally and maybe he has features that resemble a donkey? I don't know. I know he can't mean he looks like a rear end, can he? :D
tsnmike Most coaches dress down as part of NABC's Suits And Sneakers cancer awareness campaign. Um, uh, well ... where does that leave Bob Huggins?

From Twitter
“Hey, Bill,” he said. “Can you do me a favor? I don’t know what you’re going to write, but could you make sure you mention how much I appreciate the people of Cincinnati for how well they treated me over the years?”
I read that as well. Classy move on Huggs part.

Huggins was always very appreciative of the fans while here in Cincinnati. I remember my freshman year (1999-2000 season) we were all camping out for tickets and the athletic department bought each group of students a LaRosa's pizza and Huggs and the team delivered it personally to us all as a thank you for freezing our ***** off just to watch them play. Cool move all the way around.
Huggins was always very appreciative of the fans while here in Cincinnati. I remember my freshman year (1999-2000 season) we were all camping out for tickets and the athletic department bought each group of students a LaRosa's pizza and Huggs and the team delivered it personally to us all as a thank you for freezing our ***** off just to watch them play. Cool move all the way around.
Dang, I'm old. My freshman year was 1987-1988. :eek:

I remember Huggs doing that. My sister (BSN, 1993) camped out for tickets that night.
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My entire fan club seems to have shown up. You're still not sore at me about being banned last year for bringing up stupid $hit during the late signing period are you? I'm always tingly with anticipation awaiting for your next brilliant post.

Do you type one finger at a time? I bet you do. Classic

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