Well-known member
That was pretty damn funny. However I have to say I'm not laughing at Ralph, just the scenario.
How long it take you to write that out? lol
Probably too long.
I will say I did learn something today. Somewhere, behind all the Cronin Crazy and Silent Verbal nonsense, Ralph may actually know what he's freakin talking about. (Not that he was right today) Which makes it all the more evident that he gets his rocks off by frustrating the bejeezus out of people. Ex. Earlier he said basketball had NOTHING to do with it, but then he later pastes an interview that clearly says it was part of the equation. But he just didn't bold that part, and I think just tried to slip it by.
I'm convinced Ralph HATES Huggs (knew that all along) knows WAY more than he lets on, and really likes irritating people, even more than I thought. Some of the names he whipped out earlier today, made me about spit out my drink. And they came in bunches too, almost like right off the top of his head, rather than research. I'm used to single sentences like: Derp Mick, derp, lifetime deal. Derp. Derp. And now I have to debate the the guy about Bob Goin and Mike Tranghese. Wowsers. I didn't know he had it in him.
Ralph is a sly cat.![]()
You are right. There is no question that Ralph hates Huggins. As you said, I think it because he knows things that happened that the average fan does not. Ralph is connected to the UC program, and has inside knowledge that most of us don't. Its like the booster at UConn who has access to the progarm that the average fan does not. My guess is Ralph is not a fat cat (maybe just fat), but he is connected and has undying loyalty to UC.
I hate this because I have something of value to add here but this is not the place for me to say it.
I hate this because I have something of value to add here but this is not the place for me to say it.
If he is so well connected to the program then why does he continue to infuriate people. He has to know that every time he post his "Cincinnati is Cronin Crazy" it goes right to peoples stomach. It does nothing to help build bridges and I just think he likes to instigate.
This has me wondering. I would like to know what you want to add but cant, can u explain why you cant add it at least?
As for ralph--He is a hommer--every fan base has them. Classic hommer, nothing is wrong with the program ever, he always finds a way to spin it as a positive. I do like him as a poster, never bashes anyone. Just wish he would explain his opinion more
Let me use your example of UK. Lexington is wildly supportive of Calipari, warranted or not. That city knows nothing other than basketball and it will always be that way. Cronin does not have that support here. One day he may, but for now he doesnt. There is a large element in Cincinnati that does not like him and that is why I feel it is better to allow the process to take a slow heal approach. As for my reasons. When he left our program to "take his talents to Freedom Hall", that forever put an ulcer in my stomach. I would never hold it against anyone who was trying to advance his career, but as a Cats fan I have to cringe every time I relive that memory. You simply cannot expect hardcore fans to become a welcome wagon overnight to someone who jumps to a rival and uses his talents against us. Guess now its time to call me a racist.Why would it go to people's stomach. Unless of course you dislike him. If a UK fan comes on and says "Lexington is Calapari Crazy", do you think it would go straight to their stomach. What bridges need to be built? What has Cronin done to burn bridges? He took a job that few wanted, and has reserected the program. They are on the cusp of returning to the NCAA's. It would be great if more fans were Cronin crazy, as it fill the stands, help with recruiting, and return UC to national prominence. If you are a UC graduate, as you apparently are, why wouldn't you want a fellow graduate help lead your team to the the pinacle of college basketball. What has Cronin done exactly for you to dislike him?
When he left our program to "take his talents to Freedom Hall", that forever put an ulcer in my stomach. I would never hold it against anyone who was trying to advance his career, but as a Cats fan I have to cringe every time I relive that memory. You simply cannot expect fans to become a welcome wagon overnight to someone who jumps to a rival and uses his talents against us. Guess now its time to call me a racist.
You are right. There is no question that Ralph hates Huggins. As you said, I think it because he knows things that happened that the average fan does not. Ralph is connected to the UC program, and has inside knowledge that most of us don't. Its like the booster at UConn who has access to the progarm that the average fan does not. My guess is Ralph is not a fat cat (maybe just fat), but he is connected and has undying loyalty to UC.
As always, you took the part you wanted from my post and used it to start an argument. As I stated, as a person, I do not hold the Louisville defection ordeal against Cronin. As a Cats fan, I certainly do and nothing will change my mind.
Such as...
Stop jerking off ralph.
You know, I am going to say something here and it might get blasted, but I"m okay with that. I think it can play a role in this whole Cronin left to go to a rival school thing.
I was listening to Collin Cowherd the other day and he said something that made some sense. Fans care way more about sports than the players/coaches playing or coaching them. In this instance, people are upset and can't believe a coach would leave one school to go to a "rival" school. While Cronin probably loved(s) Cincinnati, I don't know if he did/does as much as some or maybe even most fans. He probably saw an opportunity, and took it. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he didn't even see it as "going to a rival school." It's a business to them, and while I'm sure they fall in love with schools they are at, if there is a better opportunity for them to achieve their ultimate goals else where, then they fall in love with that school.
I agree with Mick for the most part. Huggins did make us a more attractive school for BE consideration but I do think we would have been pulled in eventually at a latter date without him. Also, I love this site. The few who post regularly are knowledgeable fans and give wonderful insight into many issues without, for the most part, personal attacks and insults. I have watched post in the BCN site and it is very harsh and brutal. Banning members is common place and it seems more of a pro Cronin type site than anything else. Not that I am bashing our coach. Just like the thought of a site where one can air it out without fear of being banned for your opinion.