Bolded part: You listen to much Lance, Alum. (I could hear his voice when I read that) I know, b/c that's where you got your (paraphrasing) You can rally behind or dig in against them" sig.
I don't think anyone is guaranteeing he's gone this year. I know I'm not. That would be foolish. But what I am saying is he most likely will be gone within the next two years.
Alum, you know enough that you should be pretty level headed about this team's chances moving forward. I'd honestly would like to hear your thoughts on a few things.
1.) Do you think our incoming class is inflated b/c of size? One 4 star, and four 3 stars does not strike me as top of league recruiting. Many BE teams are mainly comprised of 4 stars, a handful of 3's, and a 5 or two, or three. All we heard in Mick getting this year was names like Teague and Chane. We got neither. We got a bunch of guys outside the top 75. (No immediate, turn a program around help)
2.) Don't you think a mass exodous of transfers would be just as likely, and damaging, as guys wanting out of their LOI. (If Mick stays but gets axed later, we may see as much, or more long term damage.) People act like giving the year will cement these kids 4 years.
3.) Do you think this team has any chance of competing for a winning league record without Yancy next year, if he leaves.
4.) Even if he stays, do you think we at least have a CHANCE of a 6 seed or higher next year. Or a top 3rd BE finish?
5.) What grade would you give Mick and his staff for last year?
6.) If we fall short this year, what grade would you give this year? Higher than a C? D?
7.) When can we expect this team to be able to compete (Key word compete, not win) for a BE title. '11? '12? ....
8.) Just for shats and giggles, if Mick did get fired, what type of job do you think he could land? (Big 6 BCS, MAC, Horizon, DII)
Not even being a dick with those questions, be curious to hear some honest replies. Personally, I think it was 100% clear that AT BEST we have an average coach overall. If striving for mediocrity is the goal, then sign the guy to a 10 year deal. If actually having a national program is the goal, then the guy can't leave soon enough. He's simply not good enough. Not even close. Sounds crummy, but there's a reason dude make millions.
As sure as Alum can tell you Mick will be here next year, I can as sure tell you he won't be here much longer. He is not the answer, and will be gone sooner than later. Guaranteed. If that makes me less of a fan. because I'll admit our coach is way over his head. so be it.
I DO NOT listen to Lance. I've heard him before, but I've never heard him say this... If anything, he stole it from me. Hah. Seriously, I watch too much sports television and it is a common response by many.
1. I'm not big into "stars." I used to be into all that jazz, before I actually paid attention to recruits as they went through the process. I stopped allowing stars to dictate my perception of a recruit when I was a freshmen in college. I can't remember what exactly sparked it, but it likely had something to do with Robert Whaley coming to UC as a 5star and absolutely being nothing what I expected...
2. Kids may transfer after a year in the program, but there will be many that don't. Engrained at the school, relationships have been made, they're comfortable, and playing time will be ripe for the taking...
3. We're better with a Yancy Gates that gives effort "most of the time." We're terrible if he takes 75% of the plays off, which he does... His attitude is terrible right now, so we may be better off without him, should it actually come to that... We're better with him if he competes, but we are not better if he is on the floor and not competing, b/c it is 5 v. 4 then...
4. Yes, always chance at a 4 seed...especially in the BE. I do not think we finish top 3 in the BE. I think next year will be tough without Yancy, but it could hurt even more moving forward for the development of our freshmen if his attitude spoils their attitudes.
5. Not happy with last year. I give it less than average. We should've made the dance and had talent to make some noise. Cohesion issues fall on him. He didn't make it work. C-, but a "grade" is relative and subjective... I thought he got a B+/A- his second year in BE play....even his 3rd year. Last year he did not coach welll, IMO. We also had a few of the same common denominators that are on this team...
6. If we fall short? I don't know...but I really need to see how it all shakes out... We're still 6-6 in the BE and 19-6 overall. Let's just hang tight...
7. I don't think we "compete" for a BE title in '11. Maybe '12. We won't be "competing" on an annual basis, IMO. Maybe bi-annual or tri-annual basis, hopefully. Syracuse isn't competing for a BE title. 6-6 in the BE with the #2 recruiting class and a few legitimate NBA prospects + a HOF coach.
8. I don't think Mick would immediately take a head coaching position. He could EASILY be the top assistant at BCS level programs in the country, and could EASILY get a job in another conference (unlikely BCS conference) making serious money. The guy did well at Murray State. He can coach. The BE is no joke, especially if you do not have NBA Lottery picks littering your roster.
My request to you: PLEASE don't type out 21 questions again... I cannot resist responding and it takes too much time. BTW, you're the only person that cares what I wrote, so everyone else will just browse over my post with glazed eyes...