What about losing the recruiting class and the 6 open 'ships it will create?
Not to mention, any possible defections from the current roster......which there would surely be.
Guess where that leaves us? Same spot as when MC inherited a mess.
You don't clean-up a mess by creating another mess (albeit, slightly smaller).
This season isn't over. Mick will be here next year.
Stop discussing it. Mick will be here.
Pause. Think about what I said... Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. (some of you don't need to inhale again....just pass out and save us all the trouble.

Now, say it with me: Mick will be here next year.
End of discussion.
Bolded part: You listen to much Lance, Alum. (I could hear his voice when I read that) I know, b/c that's where you got your (paraphrasing) You can rally behind or dig in against them" sig.
I don't think anyone is guaranteeing he's gone this year. I know I'm not. That would be foolish. But what I am saying is he most likely will be gone within the next two years.
Alum, you know enough that you should be pretty level headed about this team's chances moving forward. I'd honestly would like to hear your thoughts on a few things.
1.) Do you think our incoming class is inflated b/c of size? One 4 star, and four 3 stars does not strike me as top of league recruiting. Many BE teams are mainly comprised of 4 stars, a handful of 3's, and a 5 or two, or three. All we heard in Mick getting this year was names like Teague and Chane. We got neither. We got a bunch of guys outside the top 75. (No immediate, turn a program around help)
2.) Don't you think a mass exodous of transfers would be just as likely, and damaging, as guys wanting out of their LOI. (If Mick stays but gets axed later, we may see as much, or more long term damage.) People act like giving the year will cement these kids 4 years.
3.) Do you think this team has any chance of competing for a winning league record without Yancy next year, if he leaves.
4.) Even if he stays, do you think we at least have a CHANCE of a 6 seed or higher next year. Or a top 3rd BE finish?
5.) What grade would you give Mick and his staff for last year?
6.) If we fall short this year, what grade would you give this year? Higher than a C? D?
7.) When can we expect this team to be able to compete (Key word compete, not win) for a BE title. '11? '12? ....
8.) Just for shats and giggles, if Mick did get fired, what type of job do you think he could land? (Big 6 BCS, MAC, Horizon, DII)
Not even being a dick with those questions, be curious to hear some honest replies. Personally, I think it was 100% clear that AT BEST we have an average coach overall. If striving for mediocrity is the goal, then sign the guy to a 10 year deal. If actually having a national program is the goal, then the guy can't leave soon enough. He's simply not good enough. Not even close. Sounds crummy, but there's a reason dude make millions.
As sure as Alum can tell you Mick will be here next year, I can as sure tell you he won't be here much longer. He is not the answer, and will be gone sooner than later. Guaranteed. If that makes me less of a fan. because I'll admit our coach is way over his head. so be it.