To me this whole debate comes down to this. Preference.
I'm not interested in paying for a recruiting site, whatever information they have, whatever credibility level they have. Yes Chad is one of the few that actually talks to recruits and that is great, but I'm still not willing to pay for it.
The other thing is perspective, anyone who has been here for any amount of time knows what we get here, Jeff is conservative in what he posts, but has great information, 32 takes more chances and may not always be spot on, but there is usually at least some truth there, he is not purposefully misleading anyone. I'd rather hear all the speculation and thoughts and be able to discuss them, I'm fine with what we get here, and just put it all in perspective.
It's time to move on from this debate, everyone is entitled to go where ever they would like for recruiting info. There is no need for name calling and one upping. If I were a mod the next person who does that would be banned for good.
Take it for what it is, we are all UC fans, enjoy the discussion and don't take things so seriously, put all the information you get in perspective and move on.